Page 2 - Newsletter
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Welcome to

                                   our Newsletter !

  As  our  company  enters  an                             It’s  very  easy  in  our  everyday

  exciting        new        phase         and             working  lives  to  sit  next  to

  Jeanswear  moves  over  to                               people  we  barely  say  ‘Hello’  to
  Kontoor,  what  a  wonderful                             day in, day out and  never know

  opportunity to get to know our                           anything further about them, but

  colleagues  around  us  better.                          we  would  like  to  encourage
  Building a strong team, where                            everyone  to  make  time  to

  teamwork plays a huge part, is                           discover more or to simply start

  crucial  to  the  success  of  this                      up  conversations  in  the  coffee

  new venture. Discovering more                            area.  We  can  share  our  local
  about  each  other  can  only                            knowledge,  find  people  with

  have  a  positive  impact  on  the                       similar  interests  and  provide

  strength  of  the  team.  So  the                        interesting information on places

  purpose of this newsletter will                          we  are  from,  or  share  tips  on
  be  predominantly  to  focus  on                         places to visit here or abroad. In

  the people.                                              doing so we can all help to build

                                                           a  stronger  team  and  promote  a
                                                           happier place to work.
  We would like this newsletter

  to be a tool we can all use to

  introduce  new  colleagues,  to                          We  welcome  any  ideas  from

  find  out  more  about  our  new                         you regarding content – it can be
  and existing colleagues and to                           interesting  facts  about  you,

  share  interests.  It  would  be                         photos  of  places  to  visit  or

  great  if  everyone  could  get                          delicious  recipes.  Please  get

  involved  and  feel  part  of  the                       involved  and  let’s  get  to  know
  bigger team.                                             each other better…
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