Page 3 - Newsletter
P. 3

Name: Elaine Parsons
           Where are you from? Nottingham                                Name: Elena Gemelli
         What is your current role and team?                             Where are you from?
         Customer Service Representative for
          Strategic Accounts for Wrangler –                                 Agrigento Sicily
       Amazon, Zalando and Asos. Current team                            What is your current
       is the Strategic team (4.5 years in VF).                      role/team? CSR one month,
         Do you have a weird hobby? Writing a                         Italy Spain Portugal team
       page-a-day diary since I was 13 - that’s                        Your hobby? Fitness and
       many volumes taking up a lot of space in                               mostly Yoga
                       my house!
        A funny fact about you? I’m obsessed                           A funny fact about you: I
          with boot camp and will go out in all                      collect lip-balms and Peter
        weathers to do it. You’ll see me looking                           Rabbit 50p coins
       like a beetroot each time I return after
        a lunchtime’s session. I’ve been nearly
                   300 times so far.

                                                                      Name : Emilie Gharbi
                                                              Where are you from? I’m French.  I was
                                                              born in North of  France, Normandie ;
                                                            you know the region where we put fat full
                                                             cream in every dish and talk with a very
                                                                ‘unsexy masculine farmer’ accent

                                                              What is your current role/team? CSR for
                Name : Salla Hakanen                         UK/Benelux/France team, 16 months.
           Where are you from? Valtimo,                          Do you have a weird hobby? I am
                         Finland                             passionate about guinea-pigs and  try to
                 What is your current                       collect everything with them on it ( cups,
               role/team? CSR in Team                                     clothes etc…).
                         Scando                                A funny fact about you: I am absolutely
            Length of Service: 14 months                     terrified of  little babies; can be awkward
            Weird hobby or usual hobby if                     with friends who always seems super
              there isn’t a weird one: I                         keen to put them into my arms.
           collect Moomin mugs and bowls.
           To be honest also anything else
                   Moomin related!
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