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Hobby Highlights # 1

             Liam Perez – The  Mad Drummer

  Job title and team: Spitaly Team

                                                                         Tell  me  about  the  band  you
   What is your hobby: Drums                                           played  in:  The  band  is  called
                                                                       The Five Hundred, they’re still
  Tell  me  a  bit  about  yourself:  I                                playing  and  going  strong,  it’s
  was  born  in  Gibraltar  and  I’ve                                  metal,  with  breakdowns  but
  been living in Nottingham for 17                                     with  melodic  parts  as  well,  so
  years, working in VF for 10         of                               not  always  screaming!  If   you
  those 17 years. I have a little boy                                  want to see a video with me in
  called  Zane,  who’s  one  and  a                                    it,  google  “the  five  hundred

  half  years old.                                                     come closer” (editor’s note: you
                                                                       can find the video >Here<  and
  When  did  you  start  and  why:                                     that’s me on drums! I recorded
  When  I  was  15,  my  dad  had  a                                   two  EP’s  with  the  band,  The
  friend  who  was  a  drummer  in  a                                  Veil  and  Winters,  before  I
  band and he took me one day to                                       called  it  a  day.  Having  a
  get  a  drum  lesson  with  him,  I                                  family, a job and trying to be a
  was  hooked  straight  away  and                                     serious musician is too much to
  haven’t  stopped  since.  Also  I                                    juggle!
  thought it would be cool to have
  long hair and be in a band!

  Fondest memory (related to the hobby): Supporting Fear Factory in Rock City in

  front of  2000 people, that was really cool and nerve-wracking, but such a rush!

  What tips would you have for anyone who would like to start drumming: It helps if
  you can get someone to get you started, so that you can learn the basics. After that

  it’s  a  case  of   really  exploring,  listening  to  other  drummers  and  knowing  that
  whatever happens, if  you want to be good at it you need to dedicate a lot of  time to
  it! Also you need somewhere you can make a lot of  noise and not get complaints,
  drums just aren’t quiet!
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