Page 230 - Dutch Asiatic Shipping Volume 1
P. 230

 Grauwe erwten - yellowpeas
8 sacks of yellowpeas (81 litres per sack), to be consumed for as long as they can be preserved.
Blauwe of groene erwten - green peas December - March :
20 sacks (of 81 litres each) per 100 men, to be consumed for as long as they can be preserved.
Mosterdzaad - mustardseed
Half a barrel of mustardseed per 100 men.
4 sacks of yellowpeas.
April-November: 10 sacks per 100 men.
Myredikswortel - horse-radish
One grof ton (large barrel) of horse-radish for a large ship, smaller ships being given proportionately less.
Grof zout - coarse salt
According to the list this salt is no longer supplied since the salting of meat on board was abolished after 1679.
Three smaltonnen (small barrels) for a large ship, smaller ships receiving proportionately less.
Kaarsen- candles
60 pounds of roete (tallow, animal fat); 60 pounds of half wasse (probably half tallow, half wax); 60 pounds heel wasse (all wax). All this for a large ship, smaller ships receiving proportionately less.
Wijn-tint - red wine, tent
2 half aamen of tent (derived from vino tinto, a common name for Spanish red wine) of 64 mingelen each (i.e. 2 times 76.8 litres) for a large ship, for the small ships one small barrel.
Jopenbier - ale
2 barrels of jopenbier (a thick dark ale rich in malt) of 11 mingelen each (2 χ 13.2 litres) for a large ship.
Traan - whale oil
6 halve aamen of whale oil of 64 mingelen each (6 times 76.8 litres) for the burning of lamps on board ship, small ships proportionately less.
Blom, of tarwemeel tot blom gebracht- flour, or wheatmeal made into flour 2 halve aamen of flour per 100 men, also 2 halve aamen of buckwheat flour per 100 men.
Zeugen - sows
4 live fullsize sows or 12 young pigs for large ships of 145 ft length, for smaller ships less.

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