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Vol 2 November 2018

                                                                                         INSIDE THIS ISSUE

                                                                                     •   Regent’s Message....................1
                                                                                     •   President General’s Message...2
                                                                                     •   Recap of Fall Bd of Mgt............3
                                                                                     •   Information to Share...............4
                                                                                     •   Recap of Oct Chapter Mtg.......6
                                                                                     •   Units Overseas Challenge........9
                                                                                     •   DAR - Historic Preservation.....10
                                                                                     •   DAR - Patriotism.....................12
                                                                                     •   Operation Xmas Spirit............ 13
                                                                                     •   PPC Membership Challenge....14
                                                                                     •   Next Chapter Meeting.............15
                    Piestewa Peak Chapter NSDAR                                      •   Announcements......................16

        Greetings from Regent, Judy Taylor

                         Our September meeting     We have three national award
                         featured table center     winners from the DAR American
                         pieces of Halloween       Heritage Competition. They are:
                         candy in mason jars       Joyce Bertilson, Daphne Gracey,
                         and plenty of ghosts      and Kim Shott.                             Donations
                         and goblins. A special
                         “thank you” goes to       We have several of our daughters            Needed!
                         Terry Holmes for making   serving as National and State
                         these delightful raffle   officers and State Committee         As a supporter of a Crossnore
        prizes. A winner from each table got to    Chairs.                              School cottage, our chapter is
        take the candy center piece home.                                               currently seeking donations to
                                                   Our Chapter has received 4          supply Christmas Stockings to the
        A special thank you also goes to Daphne    Certificates of Award, 1 State             cottage residents.
        Gracey for putting together an excellent   Congratulatory Award, and 2               Our goal is $250.00.
        presentation on Units Overseas and in-     Certificates of Appreciation.
        troducing us to the ASDAR Units Overseas                                        If you can help, please contact
        Challenge. Daphne’s presentation in Octo-  We continue to grow and              Cheryl Menayas, Piestewa Peak
        ber and Sandy Raynor’s upcoming program    currently have 6 prospective        Treasurer. Credit, debit, cash, and
        in November, highlight the tremendous      members.                                   checks accepted.
        amount of talent we have within our own
        chapter!  For such a young chapter we         Congratulations, Piestewa Peak   We will also accept donations at
        have much to be proud of and much to               and Happy 2nd Birthday!       our December 8th Meeting
        celebrate! For example:
                                                                      Well done!
                                                                                             Thank You!

              DAR - Preserving the American Spirit
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