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Piestewa Peak NSDAR Newsletter

         In Case You Missed the October Meeting...

        We had a great meeting yesterday – thank you to        Auction will be ear-marked for this project.  Please
        everyone who was able to attend!  Here are the high-   contact Julie Perman at 480-220-9030 for more
        lights from the meeting.  We will have more informa-   information.
        tion and greater detail in our
        November newsletter.                                   PROJECT PATRIOT COMMITTEE:  Chair Daphne
                                                               Preece Gracey presented Operation Christmas Spirit
        PROGRAM:  Daphne Preece Gracey presented a             2018.  Our chapter has adopted a military family
        program about the DAR Units Overseas.  The Units       of 5 to support for the upcoming holidays.  At our
        Overseas Committee was formed in 1950 to provide a     November 17th meeting, we will have a Christmas
        link between the National Society and those members    Angel Tree – members are encouraged to choose a
        living outside the United States. Some of the members   tag and return the gift at our December 8th meeting.
        overseas are U.S. citizens. Some are native-born but   Our chapter commitment is a minimum of 3 gifts
        have ancestors who aided the American Revolution.      per child, 2 gifts per adult, and $200 in gift cards for
        Currently there are 20 chapters located in 11 countries   groceries, gas, household goods and clothing.  Please
        and one U.S. Territory.  Overseas chapters actively seek   contact Daphne Preece Gracey at 480-250-5595 or
        new members and associate members. They depend for more information.
        on associate members for their knowledge and exper-
        tise in all phases of DAR work as well as their dues and   SERVICE TO AMERICA COMMITTEE:  Co-Chair Anne
        donations.  The Arizona State Chair of the Units Over-  Svoboda discussed our tally for Service to America
        seas Committee has presented a challenge to each       volunteer hours.  To assist members in reporting
        Arizona chapter to ask for 20 members to join just one   their hours to NSDAR, co-chairs Julie Grimmett and
        of the overseas chapters.  By the end of our meeting   Anne Svoboda will provide a log sheet at the next
        on Saturday, we had volunteers to submit an Associate   meeting so that members can report DAR approved
        Member application to 11 of the 20 chapters – we’d     volunteer hours.  The co-chairs will then report the
        love to reach 20!  Please contact Daphne Preece        hours on the DAR online website so that the chapter
        Gracey at 480-250-5595 or for more     tally will be accurate.  A list of approved activities
        information.  Also please see the attachments includ-  will be available and can also be found on the NSDAR
        ing the Units Overseas Committee October Newsletter.   website.  Please contact Anne Svoboda at 480-606-
                                                               8926 for more information.
        McDougall discussed the upcoming deadlines for the     Thanks to everyone for your continued support of
        American Heritage competition.  The American Heri-     our chapter’s projects!
        tage Committee was established to preserve our rich
        American heritage in the fields of art and sculpture,   Anne Svoboda
        crafts, drama and literature, fiber arts, and music.    Corresponding Secretary
        Members are invited to participate in the various con-
        tests conducted by this committee. This year’s theme
        is “Honoring Our Patriots While Preserving Our Family
        Stories.”  Please contact Isabel MacDougall at isabel_ or Daphne Preece Gracey at
        480-250-5595 for more information.

        DAR SCHOOLS COMMITTEE:  Chair Julie Perman
        presented how our chapter plans to support Beverly
        Cottage at Crossnore Schools for the holidays.  Our
        chapter will donate $250 to provide a “stocking” for
        the children of Beverly Cottage.  To raise the funds
        for this effort, any cash donations for the December

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