Page 12 - Nov 2018Final
P. 12

Piestewa Peak NSDAR Newsletter
         DAR Mission, Patriotism

        Prudence Wright Continues.

        directly to the king and queen, finding a supporter in
        William Pitt.

        Wright was a little too vocally supportive of the Col-
        onies, however. Once open warfare broke out, the
        higher-ups of London society began distancing them-
        selves from her, and she eventually retreated to Paris.
        She also fell out of favor with the Americans as well,
        and the Founding Fathers stopped responding to her
        letters. She returned to London after the war’s end,
        on her way home to the newly founded United States.
        But she never made it back to America—she died in
        London a few days after a fall.

                                                                              Pearl Harbor
                                                                         Remembrance Day

                                                                 ASDAR will be placing wreath a at the
                                                                 anchor of the USS Arizona during Pearl
                                                                      Harbor Remembrance Day on

                                                                            December 7, 2018.

                                                                Location is Wesley Bolin Plaza between
                                                                 16th and 17th Avenues and Washing-
                  To all our Piestewa Peak                              ton and Jefferson Streets.

                Daughters and Prospective                          The program usually begins about

             Members, wishing you a happy,                         10:30 am.  Please arrive early to be
                      blessed, and joyful                              sure to find a parking space.

                      Thanksgiving Day.
                                                                     Please join us in attending and

                                                                        supporting these Patriots.

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