Page 14 - Nov 2018Final
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Piestewa Peak NSDAR Newsletter
        PPC Membership Challenge

          Every organization, even the DAR, depends on membership growth
          for a variety of reasons. Namely:

          •  To fulfill the mission and goals of the organization
          •  To fill vacancies due to attrition, relocations, etc.
          •  To generate sufficient income to operate the organization
          •  To provide needed manpower for committees and officer
          •  To provide new ideas, recommendations, etc
          •  To assure the long term viability of the organization

          As we start our third year since Piestewa Peak Chapter was              If your vision is for a year, plant
          organized, it is vital to encourage each of our Piestewa Peak         wheat. If your vision is for ten years,
          Daughters to reach out to family, associates, friends, or individuals   plant trees. If your vision is for a
          and encourage them to join the DAR and especially Piestewa Peak             lifetime, plant people.
          NSDAR. Consider the fact that it is now taking at least three months                   Chinese Proverb
          from submission of an application for it to finally be verified, the
          need for new Prospective Members becomes even more important.

          What better way to encourage recruitment of Prospective Members           Don’t forget
          than to issue a challenge. Our New Member Challenge will
          commence on October 9th and continue until our February Chapter               to start
          meeting on February 9, 2019.

          Here are the guidelines for this challenge:                                 collecting

          1. The name and contact information for a Prospective Member will                your
               be forwarded to Judy Taylor, Regent, via email at:                 donations for

          2. The membership committee will meet with the Prospective                        the
              Member(s) to ascertain her interest and availability of lineage
              documents                                                                 Annual

          3.  If the Prospective Member wishes to join Piestewa Peak, Pamela         Christmas
               Zull, PPC Registrar, will commence documentation to secure a
               Patriot, complete an application, and send it to NSDAR.                 Auction!

          4.  A log will be kept for each member who submits a Prospective
               Member name.                                                          We need your

          5.  The member who submits the most Prospective Member names                   support!!
                will receive a very special award at the February Chapter meeting.

                 Join Our Challenge, let’s plant the seeds for
                Piestewa Peak Chapter’s long-term growth!

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