Page 9 - Nov 2018Final
P. 9

ASDAR Units Overseas Challenge

         Daphne Preece Gracey presented the new                     Congratulations to
         Arizona Units Overseas Support Challenge at
         our last chapter meeting. Currently there are       Piestewa Peak Daughters
         20 DAR chapters in 11 countries and 1 US
         territory.                                         for meeting this challenge!

         These chapters are often unable to do
         fundraising due to local laws, and they
         depend on Associate members to support            We so excited to report we
         their efforts. The Arizona challenge is to ask
         for 20 members of all 41 Arizona chapters                   met the required
         to join one of each of the 20 Units Overseas
         Chapters. If they can achieve the goal, there                  number of 20.
         would be 820 new Associate

         At the end of the meeting, we had                  It’s still not to late to support Unit Overseas.  If your would
         commitments from 11 members - we’re               like to sign up, contact Daphne Gracey at
         hoping to reach 20!                                                 for more information.

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