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Piestewa Peak NSDAR Newsletter
Information to Share...
Please bring your donation items to the November
Piestewa Peak Chapter Meeting. We will then deliver
them to the CRRC.
Please help us support the mission of the DAR for
Patriotic Service. Your donation and support of this
important project is appreciated.
An Important Message
From the CRRC! Want to enrich your connection to DAR?
You can increase your knowledge and leader-
The Veterans Affairs Community Resource ship skills by taking the New Member or New
and Referral Center (CRRC), which serves Horizon Courses. Graduates will be recognized
homeless veterans in metro-Phoenix, needs at the April State Conference. It is not too late
a variety of donated items. You can to begin.
deliver these items between 7:30 and 4:30 Contact: Terri Mott
pm Monday – Friday at the following
address: 1500 E. Thomas Road, Suite 106;
Phoenix, AZ 85014. The contact person/ 602-206-9514
facility manager is Penny at 602-248-6040.
Access Suite 106 by parking in the rear of
the building. The main door is in the back.
The CRRC is only accepting the following Do you have an idea or suggestion for a
items right now: program, social time, or service project? If so,
• Hygiene items: soap, shampoo, please contact Judy Taylor, Regent at:
conditioner, lotion, toothbrushes,
tooth, non-alcoholic mouth wash (all We’d love to hear from you!
sizes including hotel amenities are
• New, packaged underwear and socks
for men or women, any sizes. Don’t forget to
bring your box
• Visa Gift Cards (preferably in $25, $50 tops to the
or $100 increments as they can be
used anywhere including hotels and November Chapter
grocery stores) meeting. Let’s
support our