Page 2 - Tiglin Newsletter 2019
P. 2

 Made New
A word from the CEO
As 2019 closes out and we prepare to welcome a new year I look back at all of what we have had the privilege to be a part of this past year. There is no better reminder of that than witnessing our most recent graduation of the residents and participants from Tiglin. The temptation here is to talk about ‘restored lives’ and in some sense this is correct but in another way it sells short what we witnessed once again at our second graduation of 2019. It is perhaps more accurate to talk about being ‘made new’ than about being ‘restored’. As addiction takes away so much and strips its victims bare you realise that at times you can’t restore things that don’t exist. You can’t restore someone’s confidence or self-esteem if they don’t have any when you walk in the door. You can’t restore a spirit that is dead. Sometimes you have to start again and allow a rebirthing to take place and see new life, new hope and a new spirit take life and thrive where there once was nothing.
This is where I take my hat off to all the staff at Tiglin. On a grand scale there is a daily process that takes place where they lay down their lives for the one in our care. They model hope and inspiration and stand shoulder to shoulder with the residents and participants on the Tiglin programmes.
During the summer of this year this message was once again compounded as I listened to the stories from our Arklow day programme participants as they shared about how their lives had changed as a result of finding a place where they were accepted and an ear of someone who didn’t judge, only loved. As they said goodbye to the founding manager of Arklow Day Service, Barbara Reid, what
“...and see new life, new hope and a new spirit take life and thrive where there once was nothing.”
echoed around the room was a deep sense of appreciation and gratitude that along their journey, their trajectory changed when they were inspired by the non-judgmental acceptance of a stranger who decided to care and knew how to do so. She has moved on to pastures new after 6 years with Tiglin.
This change of chapter has said a sad goodbye to Barbara but a happy welcome back to Paula Valentine who now manages the programme alongside a strong and dedicated staff team.
I’m deeply thankful for our staff and for our supporters who make it possible that Tiglin can provide the services that we do.
Phil Thompson
   A word from the Chairman
2019 has certainly been a very busy year with new services, new managers, new facilities and a constant flow of challenges. As most of you know Tiglin was founded to provide a safe environment for individuals who had life controlling substance abuse problems. Now, as then, our aim is to provide care in as close to a home environment as possible for as long as necessary. We now have over 90 individuals in our care on any one day and we work in close conjunction with the HSE, Tusla, the Child and Family Agency, and other agencies, charities and churches who refer people to us and who provide monitoring and support. At this time of year we focus on the birth of Christ and how we are impacted by that event. Our staff, volunteers and students continually show me that as Christians, we need to have a vision. What we do in the workplace is paramount to bringing the “Kingdom of God here on earth as it is in heaven.” Our staff treat all students like family and they believe that “People will forget what you said, they will forget what you did but they will NEVER forget how you made them feel”.
The voluntary sector, like all others in recent times, has been under financial pressure and the grant funding and contributions from
students cover approximately 60% of our expenses but it does not cover them all. In keeping with our ethos, Tiglin often funds extra supports for those in its care. This could range from counselling to educational courses etc.
If you would like to get involved, or to donate, then please get in touch. We would be delighted to hear from you.
This week President Michael D. Higgins and his family invited myself and students of Tiglin and their families to celebrate the start of Christmas by lighting the tree at Áras an Uachtaráin. The singer Hozier entertained us with wonderful songs. A wonderful supporter of Tiglin, President Higgins remarked at the “wonderful transformed lives” that graduate the Tiglin programme. I hope that you enjoy this newsletter and that you will get a glimpse of what is happening in Tiglin services. Your support and prayers are invaluable,
With every good wish, this Christmas,
Aubrey McCarthy
“we now have over 90 individuals in our care on any one day.”
    Aubrey and graduate Kirsty with Hozier at the Áras
Aubrey with President Higgins and wife Sabina at the Áras

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