Page 8 - Tiglin Newsletter 2019
P. 8

 Visits in2019
There’s never a quiet day at Tiglin so when visitors arrive there is always a hive of activity, fences are being fixed, rooms are painted, grounds are worked on.
Recent visitors to Tiglin included Ryan Tubridy who visited the Women’s Centre for a fun filled day including a BBQ hosted by the girls.
Also present on the day was Dr Therese Boyle, Medic in Mountjoy Prison. One of the students who Ryan was delighted to meet was Kirsty who initially contacted Tiglin having seen our patron Judge Gilllian Hussey being interviewed by Ryan on The Late Late Show.
Kirsty recently graduated from the programme and is enjoying a life free from addiction.
Other recent visitors included Jackie Lavin who most of you know from TV3’s ‘The Apprentice’.
Jackie and her friend Sheila Zebedee marvelled at the life changing stories that the girls shared during their visit.
    Tiglin 2019 Impact!
108 3792
Please Support us to continue this great work
Start a Facebook campaign, where we are a registered charity
Donate at our new website
Clients accessed our services last year
Were in residential treatment.
Counselling hours spent with residents in our care.
People moved into various housing options by Tiglin.
    Tiglin is dependent on regular Gifting. Please consider setting up a standing order.
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(This will appear on Tiglin Challenge’s Bank Statement and would normally be your name) Please pay to AIB Dame St, Dublin 2 in favour of:
Tiglin Challenge Account Number: 17486007, Sort Code 93-12-09
❏ € 10 per month
❏ € 21 per month
Start date: ______ - ______ - ______Thereafter until further notice.
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Tiglin Challenge is certified by the Revenue Commissioners as being eligible for tax relief, we may be able to reclaim up to 45% on top of your donation.
Please Post to this Address:
Admin Department Tiglin Challenge, Tiglin, Ashford,
Co. Wicklow, Ireland
Registered Charity: CHY 11596
IBAN: IE90 AIBK 9312 0917 4860 07 I wish to donate:
BIK: AIBKIE2D ❏ € 15 per month
                   ❏ € other _________ per month
Tel: (0404) 496 83 Web:
Tiglin Women’s Centre Tiglin Men’s Centre
Telephone: (0404) 47552 Telephone: (0404) 40010
Above: Sheila Zebedee, Aubrey McCarthy, Jackie Lavin, Gary O’Haire, Phil Thompson
Ryan Tubridy & Ann Thompson
Aubrey McCarthy, Ryan Tubridy & Phil Thompson
Printed by Ross Print Services (01) 287 6612

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