Page 9 - Tiglin Newsletter December 2022
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TIGLIN | Newsletter 2022 9
Life Credit Union delivering a seminar at Jigginstown Manor
“Let all the county managers and the directors of services all over the country have a good long look at what is happening in Wicklow and Kildare and ask themselves a question before their next monthly meeting and ask themselves: ‘Why aren’t we doing something similar? What is stopping us?’”
- President Michael D. Higgins
€833,333 funding from
Higher Education
In September, Ireland’s Higher Education Authority (HEA) announced its award of €833,3333 in funding to South East Technological University (SETU) for the provision of higher education courses for service users at Tiglin and other addiction treatment centres in the region.
The university formerly known as IT Carlow has worked in partnership with Tiglin since 2016, delivering third level access and opportunities that give our students the skills, knowledge and understanding to prepare them for working and societal life following their rehabilitation.
Many who go through Tiglin’s treatment program come from a background of significant educational disadvantage. This funding from the HEA and this partnership with SETU are practical demonstrations of the willingness of these bodies to invest in people and of their belief in the work of Tiglin.
At the launch of the new funding, Simon Harris (minister for higher education) said: “I am delighted to launch this
vital project, building on the great collaboration between Tiglin and the former IT Carlow in recent years.
It is in the spirit of our new National Access Plan which, for the first time, specifically includes students who have experienced homelessness, among others who are socio-economically disadvantaged. We want a truly inclusive third-level system, where neither your background nor experience has a bearing on your ability to attend or succeed in higher education.”
President Michael D. Higgins officially opened Jigginstown Manor in June