Page 5 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - March 2012
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The End of UFOlogy Is At Hand! The End of UFOlogy Is worldwide (Including the US 0 2010); Nelson, and Capt. Robert Salas. According to - There are 6,840,507,003 people PRG's recent press release, most of these At Hand - 25,000 signatures were need to keep witnesses have held high security clearance. the petition alive; This is the second time that these people - Only 6,937 signatures were collected have tried to get more than their 5 minutes of worldwide; fame and glory, which again failed miserably. - therefore - 0.000001014106118 of the Once again, let's look at the numbers world population signed the Disclosure Petition and see why people are not taking these claims II - The Rockefeller Initiative. seriously: The excuses for the very poor response If there is or was nuclear tampering of to the Disclosure Petition II - The Rockefeller the U.S. nuclear arsenal, why are there only a Initiative and the removal of the petition from hand full of military personnel coming forth the Government website, "We the People" were with these claims of UFOs tampering with the quick to come from Stephen Bassett and the U.S. nuclear weapons?Once again, let continue Paradigm Research Group: looking at the fats… the numbers: - the 25,000 signature threshold, - 3,627,131 - the Total Number of increased from 5,000. "Active" Military personnel in 2009; - decrease in the public engagement of - 883,616 - The Total Number of "We the People" after the threshold increase to "Reserve" Military personnel in 2009; by Rob McConnell 25,000. - 97,976 - Other DOD Personnel; During the first sixty days after "We the - 7 members or 0.000001535518068of Members of the UFO community have been People" was launched on September 22, 2011, the military claim UFOs were tampering with claiming, since the events of 1947 in Roswell, between 15,000 and 20,000 petitions were the US nuclear arsenal ; New Mexico, that the US Government and submitted. During the past sixty days petition - or - 4,558,722 or 99.999% of the other governments of the world (yes, including submissions were a small fraction of that military have not seen extraterrestrial craft Canada) have been suppressing information that number. The result has been far less traffic to tampering with the U.S. nuclear arsenal. would prove the existence of extraterrestrials the site and fewer crossover signatures. At this Another story that we broke on The 'X' and alien contact with certain members of time only sixty petitions are active and many of Zone Radio/TV Show was when one of the government . those are early submissions waiting on a most respected Roswell / UFO researchers and This week, the UFO community response. authors stated that new evidence has come forth suffered a staggering blow to the claims of UFO - serious problems signing the petition. which might prove that the Roswell, New Cover-up/Conspiracies, and I hope a well From early December forward PRG received Mexico event of 1947 was NOT a crashed needed "wake-up" call when the The Disclosure many complaints from people having great UFO! Petition II - The Rockefeller Petition put forth difficulty signing the DP II According to Dr Kevin Randle (Major in by Stephen Bassett did not achieve the - petition fatigue. The "We the People" the National Guard Reserve), a group of necessary signatures to require a response from project is now five months old and many are a Roswell UFO/Crash investigators, researchers the White House and was removed from "We bit weary of being prompted to sign petitions. and authors are taking a hard look at this new the People" on March 25, 2012. - media coverage of the "We the People" evidence and will be revealing their finding in The Disclosure Petition II was posted on project and submitted petitions has decreased the near future. the White House website for sixty days substantially. What will happen if after all these years (including the first submission on December 1, In an email to Bassett earlier this and all of the claims that have been made by 2011) and drew minor media attention from evening, I said, "It would seem that the world authors, researcher, investigators and even the accredited journalists, radio/TV, but mostly wide interest is based on the 'disinformation' new claims of government conspiracies and from internet bloggers and UFO enthusiasts. being spread by the UFO community itself. In cover-ups when it comes to aliens and UFOs? The fact of the matter is that 25,000 my opinion - it is not the government who is Undoubtedly, there will be a great signatures were needed to keep the petition suppressing the information on UFOs but the number of people who will be back paddling alive. UFO community who is claiming that the and they will find a new reason why not to trust Stephen Bassett, who was on The 'X' government is suppressing the information as a the word of these highly respected who are Zone Radio/TV Show, February 15 2012 said ploy not to have to provide evidence for their honest enough to come forth with their findings. that the petition signing was not just limited to vague and un substantiated UFO claims." In my opinion, the end of UFOlogy is at the citizens of the US but open to the world. Bassett has yet to reply. hand - and it is about time! I quickly pointed out to Bassett that In a move to try and keep the UFO / You can now listen to The 'X' Zone according to the US Census of July 2011, the government conspiracy momentum going and Radio Show 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, 365 population of the United States was to keep stirring the political pot, Bassett has not days of the year at 311,591,917 and a worldwide population count launched a new petition, Disclosure Petition III Also in April 2012, we will be live of 6,840,507,003 (2010) and that if the total - Nuclear Weapons Tampering. Monday to Friday from 10 pm - 2 am Eastern on number of 25,000 signatures were the magic The new Disclosure Petition III - radio / TV Stations and streaming on the number, and with all the people worldwide that Nuclear Weapons Tampering - is calling Internet. More news on these growth UFO enthusiasts claim that there are, the attention to extraordinary claims and allegations developments in a few weeks. number of 25,000 should be a very easy number from former ranking members of the United Finally, I will be the Celebrity Master of to reach - if in fact the UFO phenomena was States Air Force. It is part of the White House's Ceremonies at the Body, Soul & Spirit Expo in real - and not the claims of a few. "We the People" project. Toronto, Ontario May 25 - 27, 2012. The Expo As I predicted, the Disclosure Petition II On September 27, 2010 at the National will be held at the International Centre, 6900 - The Rockefeller Initiative failed to get the Press Club in Washington, DC a press Airport Road in Mississauga, Ontario. For more necessary 25,000 votes with a worldwide final conference was held in which testimony information or to purchase your tickets on line, count of 6,937 (18,063 short.) regarding incidents of weapons tampering by go to It is apparent that the people of the unidentified craft was presented to the media. For The 'X' Zone Radio/TV Show and world have spoken out loud and clear that the Those former members of the USAF who were The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper, I am, Rob UFO phenomena is a dying issue as evidenced present, making the extraordinary claims and McConnell. [] by the sad showing of signatures on the allegations include self-proclaimed witnesses Listen to The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show Disclose Petition II. were all former U. S. Air Force personnel and Here are the facts: included Lt. Col. Dwynne Arneson, Capt. Bruce with Rob McConnell - 7/24/365 on - There are 311,591,917 people in the Fenstermacher, Col. Charles Halt, Capt. Robert line at United States (US Census July 2011); Jamison, Patrick McDonough, 1st Lt. Jerome