Page 6 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - March 2012
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Failed End-of-the-World Predictions Failed End-of-the-World this 14th century Cardinal. [65] 1792–1794 - Shakers - Predicted Predictions That the world would end in both 1792 then 1794. THE [66] 1793–1795 - Richard Brothers - Were To Occur But This retired sailor stated the Millennium would `X` ZONE APP Didn't. begin between 1793 and 1795. He was IS NOW AVAILABLE Continued from Page 4 eventually committed to an insane asylum. FOR [67] 1795, Nov 19 - Nathaniel Brassey Halhed - While campaigning for Richard APPLE [45] 1666 - Sabbatai Zevi - Following Brothers' release, Halhead proclaimed that the his failed prediction of 1648, Zevi recalculated world would end on this day. AND the end of the earth in 1666. [68] 1805 - Christopher Love - This [46] 1666 - Various Christians - The presbyterian minister predicted the destruction ANDROID presence of 666 in the date led to superstitious of the world by earthquake in 1805, followed by DEVICES fears of the end of the world from some an age of everlasting peace when God will be Christians. known by all. [47] 1673 - William Aspinwall - This [69] 1806 - The Prophet Hen of Leeds - Fifth Monarchist claimed the Millennium In Leeds, England in 1806 a hen began laying would begin by this year. eggs on which the phrase "Christ is coming" [48] 1688 - John Napier - This was written. Eventually it was discovered to be mathematician calculated the end of the world a hoax. The hoaxster had written on the eggs in would be this year based on calculations from a corrosive ink so as to etch the eggs, and the Book of Revelation. reinserted the eggs back into the hen. [49] 1689 - Pierre Jurieu - This prophet [70] 1814, Dec 25 - Joanna Southcott - predicted that Judgement Day would occur this This 64-year-old self-described prophet claimed year. she was pregnant with the Christ child, and that [50] 1694 - John Mason - This Anglican he would be born on Christmas Day, 1814. She priest predicted the Millennium would begin by died on the day of her prediction, and an this year. autopsy proved she was not pregnant. [51] 1694 - Johann Heinrich Alsted - [71] 1836 - John Wesley - Wesley, the Predicted the Millennium would begin by this founder of the Methodist Church, foresaw the year. Millennium beginning this year. [52] 1694 - Johann Jacob Zimmermann [72] 1843 - Harriet Livermore - The first - Believed that Jesus would return and the world of two years this preacher predicted the world would end this year. would end. [53] 1697 - Cotton Mather - This Puritan [73] 1843, Apr 28 - Millerites - minister predicted the world would end this Although it was not officially endorsed by their year. After the prediction failed, he revised the leadership, many Millerites expected the date of the End two more times. Second Coming to occur on this day. [54] 1700 - John Napier - After his 1688 [74] 1843, Dec 31 - Millerites - Many prediction failed to come true, Napier revised Millerites expected Jesus would return at the his end of the world prediction to this year. end of 1843. [55] 1700 - Henry Archer - This Fifth [75] 1844, Mar 21 - William Miller - Monarchists claimed the second coming of Miller predicted Christ would return on this day Jesus would occur this year. [76] 1844, Oct 22 - William Miller - [56] 1700–1734 - Nicholas of Cusa - After Christ did not return on Mar 21, 1844, This Cardinal predicted the end would occur Miller then revised his prediction to 22 October between 1700 and 1734. 1844, claiming to have miscalculated Scripture. [57] 1705–1708 - Camisards - Camisard The realization that the predictions were prophets predicted the end of the world would incorrect resulted in the Great Disappointment. occur in either 1705, 1706 or 1708. [77] 1847 - Harriet Livermore - The [58] 1716 - Cotton Mather - Revised second prediction of the end of the world from prediction from Mather after his 1697 this preacher. prediction failed to come true. [78] 1847, Aug 7 - George Rapp - Rapp, [59] 1719, Apr 5 - Jacob Bernoulli - the founder of the Harmony Society, preached This mathematician predicted a comet would that Jesus would return in his lifetime, even as destroy the earth on this day. he lay dying on Aug 7, 1847. [60] 1736 - Cotton Mather - Mather's [79] 1853–1856 - Various - Many people third and final prediction for the end of the thought the Crimean War was the Battle of world. Armageddon. [61] 1736, Oct 16 - William Whiston - [80] 1862 - John Cumming - This Whiston predicted a comet colliding with the Scottish clergyman stated it was 6000 years earth this year. since Creation in 1862, and that the world [62] 1757 - Emanuel Swedenborg - would end. Swedenborg claimed that the Last Judgement [81] 1863 - John Wroe - The founder of occurred in the spiritual world this year. the Christian Israelite Church calculated that the [63] 1780 - Various New England Millennium would begin this year. residents - The sky turning dark during the day [82] 1873 - Jonas Wendell - In 1870, was interpreted as a sign of the end times. The Wendell published his views in the booklet primary cause of the event is believed to have entitled The Present Truth, or Meat in Due been a combination of smoke from forest fires, Season concluding that the Second Advent was a thick fog, and cloud cover. sure to occur in 1873. [64] 1789 - Pierre d'Ailly - 1789 would bring the coming of the Antichrist, according Continued on Page 7