Page 8 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - March 2012
P. 8
Failed End-of-the-World Predictions Failed End-of-the-World Predictions That Gate cult, claimed that a spacecraft was trailing This self-described Christian psychic predicted Were To Occur But Didn't. Cont from Pge 7 the Comet Hale-Bopp and argued that suicide the Earth's axis would shift and the Antichrist was "the only way to evacuate this Earth" so would reveal himself in this year. [130] 1987, Aug 17 - José Argüelles - that the cult members' souls could board the [160] 2000 - c. - Edgar Cayce - This Argüelles claimed that Armageddon would take supposed craft and be taken to another "level of psychic predicted the Second Coming would place unless 144,000 people gathered in certain existence above human". Applewhite and 38 of occur this year. places in the world in order to "resonate in his followers committed mass suicide. [161] 2000 - c. - Sun Myung Moon - The harmony" on this day. [145] 1997, Oct 23 - James Ussher - founder of the Unification Church predicted the [131] 1988 - Hal Lindsey - Lindsey This 17th Century Irish Archbishop predicted Kingdom of Heaven would be established in suggested that the Rapture would take this year, this date to be 6000 years since Creation, and this year. reasoning that it was 40 years (one Biblical therefore the end of the world. [162] 2000 - c. - Ed Dobson - This generation) after Israel gained statehood. [146] 1998, Mar 31 - Hon-Ming Chen - pastor predicted the end would occur in his [132] 1988, Sep/Oct - Edgar C. Hon-Ming Chen, leader of the Taiwanese cult book The End: Why Jesus Could Return by Whisenant - Whisenant predicted in his book 88 God's Salvation Church, or Chen Tao - "The A.D. 2000. Reasons Why the Rapture Could Be in 1988 True Way" - claimed that God would come to [163] 2000 - c. - Lester Sumrall - This that the Rapture of the Christian Church would Earth in a flying saucer at 10:00 am on this date. minister predicted the end in his book I Predict occur between 11 and 13 September 1988. After Moreover, God would have the same physical 2000. his September predictions failed to come true, appearance as Chen himself. On March 25, God [164] 2000 - c. - Jonathan Edwards - Whisenant revised his prediction date to was to appear on Channel 18 on every TV set in This 18th century preacher predicted that October 3. the US. Chen chose to base his cult in Garland, Christ's thousand-year reign would begin in this [133] 1989, Sep 30 - Edgar C. Texas, because he thought it sounded like year. Whisenant - After all his 1988 predictions failed "God's Land." [165] 2000, Jan 1 - Various - to come true, Whisenant revised his prediction [147] 1999 - Seventh-day Adventists - Predictions of a Y2K computer bug were to date to this day. Some literature distributed by Seventh Day crash many computers and would malfunction [134] 1990, Apr 23 - Elizabeth Clare Adventists predicted the end in this year. causing major catastrophes worldwide and that Prophet - Prophet predicted a nuclear war [148] 1999 - Charles Berlitz - This society would cease to function. would start on this day, with the world ending linguist predicted the end would occur in this [166] 2000, Jan 1 - Credonia Mwerinde, 12 years later, leading her followers to stockpile year. He did not predict how it would occur, Joseph Kibweteere - An estimated 778 a shelter with supplies and weapons. Later, after stating it may involve nuclear devastation, followers of this Ugandan religious movement Prophet's prediction did not come to pass and asteroid impact, pole shift or other earth perished in a devastating fire and a series of she was diagnosed with epilepsy and changes. poisonings and killings that were either a group Alzheimer's disease. [149] 1999, Jul - Nostradamus - A suicide or an orchestrated mass murder by [135] 1991 - Louis Farrakhan - The prediction attributed to Nostradamus stating the group leaders after their predictions of the leader of the Nation of Islam declared that the "King of Terror" would come from the sky in apocalypse failed to come about. Gulf War would be the "War of Armageddon "1999 and seven months" led to fears of the end. [167] 2000, Jan 1 - Jerry Falwell - which is the final war." [150] 1999, Aug 18 - The Amazing Falwell foresaw God pouring out his judgement [136] 1992, Sep 28 - Rollen Stewart - Criswell - The predicted date of the end of the on the world on this day. This born-again Christian predicted the Rapture world, according to this psychic well known for [168] 2000, Jan 1 - Tim LaHaye, Jerry would take place on this day. false predictions. B. Jenkins - These Christian authors stated the [137] 1992, Oct 28 - Lee Jang Rim - [151] 1999, Dec 31 - Hon-Ming Chen - Y2K bug would trigger global economic chaos, Rim, the leader of the Dami Mission in Seoul, Hon-Ming Chen's cult God's Salvation Church, which the Antichrist would use to rise to power. predicted the Rapture on this day. South Korean now relocated to upstate New York, preached As the date approached however they changed officials took elaborate precautions against a that a nuclear holocaust would destroy Europe their minds. mass suicide, posting 1,500 riot officers to and Asia sometime between October 1 and [169] 2000, April 6 - James Harmston - monitor about a thousand followers who had December 31, 1999. The leader of the True and Living Church of gathered in the group's headquarters to await the [152] 'Before' 2000 - Hal Lindsey - Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days predicted Rapture. Their efforts were successful, although After his 1980's predictions failed to come true, the Second Coming of Christ would occur on four group members had committed suicide in Lindsay published the book Planet Earth 2000 this day. previous days. A.D. in 1994, which stated that Christians [170] 2000, May 5 - Nuwaubian Nation [138] 1993 - David Berg - Berg should not plan to still be on earth by the year - This movement claimed that the planetary predicted the tribulation would start in 1989 and 2000. lineup would cause a "star holocaust," pulling that the Second Coming would take place in [153] 'Before' 2000 - James Gordon the planets toward the sun on this day. 1993. Lindsay - This preacher predicted the tribulation [171] 2000, Oct 9 - Grant Jeffrey - This [139] 1994, May 2 - Neal Chase - This would begin before the year 2000. bible teacher suggested this date as the Bahá'í sect leader predicted that New York [154] 'Before' 2000 - Texe Marrs - This "probable termination point for the 'last days.'" would be destroyed by a nuclear bomb on conspiracy theorist stated that the last days [172] 2001 - Tynetta Muhammad - This March 23, 1994, and the Battle of Armageddon could "wrap up by the year 2000." columnist for the Nation of Islam predicted the would take place 40 days later. [155] 'Before' 2000 - Timothy Dwight end would occur in this year. [140] 1994, Sep/Oct - Harold Camping IV - This President of Yale University foresaw [173] 2003, May - Nancy Lieder - - Camping predicted the Rapture would occur the Millennium starting by 2000. Lieder originally predicted the date for the on September 6, 1994. When it failed to occur [156] 2000 - c. - Peter Olivi - This 13th Nibiru collision as May 2003. According to her he revised the date to September 29 and then to century theologian wrote that the Antichrist website, aliens in the Zeta Reticuli star system October 2. would come to power between 1300 and 1340, told her through messages via a brain implant of [142] 1995, Mar 31 - Harold Camping - and the Last Judgement would take place a planet which would enter our solar system and Camping's fourth predicted date for the end. around 2000. cause a pole shift on earth that would destroy This would be Camping's last prediction until [157] 2000 - c. - Helena Blavatsky - The most of humanity. 2011. founder of Theosophy foresaw the end of the [174] 2003, Nov 29 - Aum Shinrikyo - [143] 1996, Dec 17 - Sheldon Nidle - world in this year. This Japanese cult predicted the world would be California psychic Sheldon Nidle predicted that [158] 2000 - c. - Isaac Newton - Newton destroyed by a nuclear war between October 30 the world would end on this date, with the predicted that Christ's Millennium would begin and November 29, 2003. arrival of 16 million space ships and a host of in the year 2000 in his book Observations upon [175] 2007, Apr 29 - Pat Robertson - In angels. the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of his 1990 book The New Millennium, Robertson [144] 1997, Mar 26 - Marshall St. John. suggests this date as the day of Earth's Applewhite - Applewhite, leader of the Heaven's [159] 2000 - c. - Ruth Montgomery - destruction. (Continued on Page 9)
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