Page 11 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - September 2009
P. 11
11 Timeline of Sept 11 2001 11 Timeline of Sept 11 2001 Timeline of Sept 11 2001 the resistance was confirmed by Flight 93's tells Vice President Cheney that he has cockpit voice recording, on which the hijackers authorized a shootdown of aircraft if necessary. From Wikipedia is are heard making their decision to down the Continued from Page 9 plane before the passengers succeed in 10:23: The Associated Press reports a car bomb breaching the cockpit door. The 9/11 has exploded outside the State Department in 9:50 (approximately): The Associated Press Commission believed that Flight 93's target was Washington, D.C. This and several other reports reports that Flight 11 was apparently hijacked either the United States Capitol building or the of terrorist acts in the capital are quickly found after departure from Boston's Logan Airport. White House in Washington, D.C. to be false Within an hour this is confirmed for both Flight 11 and Flight 175. Reports stated an eyewitness saw a white plane 10:24: Two men who were being evacuated resembling a fighter jet circling the site minutes through the underground shopping mall below 9:52: The National Security Agency intercepts a after the crash. This is partially true, but it may the South Tower when it collapsed on them are phone call between a known associate of Osama in fact, have been a private plane that was asked able to climb up through thirty feet of debris to bin Laden in Afghanistan and someone in the by air-traffic control to check and describe safety. Republic of Georgia, announcing that he had Flight 93's crash site. heard "good news", and that another target was 10:28:25: The North Tower of the World Trade still to be hit. 10:03 (approximately): The National Military Center collapses. Due to the destruction of the Command Center learns from the White House gypsum-encased stairwells on the impact floors 9:53: CNN confirms a plane crash at the of Flight 93's hijacking. (most skyscraper stairwells are encased in Pentagon. reinforced concrete), no one who was above the impact zone in the North Tower survives the 9:55: A CNN correspondent mentions Osama 10:05: Andrea Mitchell, reporting on NBC from collapse. The Marriott Hotel, located at the base bin Laden as someone determined to strike the outside the Pentagon, reports that Osama bin of the two towers, is also destroyed. The second US. Laden may have been involved in the attacks. collapse is also viewed live on television and heard on radio. The North Tower collapses 1 9:55: Air Force One leaves Sarasota-Bradenton 10:07: NBC reports for the first time that the hour 41 minutes 45 seconds after the impact of International Airport. South Tower of the World Trade Center has Flight 11. collapsed. Prior to this time they have only said 9:57: Passenger revolt begins on Flight 93. that a section of the building has fallen away. 10:31: NORAD first communicates the Vice President's shootdown authority to its NEADS. 9:57: President Bush leaves Sarasota, Florida, 10:07: NEADS, controlling the only set of on Air Force One. The plane reaches cruising fighters over Washington, first learns of the 10:35: Air Force One, carrying the president, altitude and circles for approximately 40 hijacking of Flight 93. turns for Barksdale Air Force Base in minutes while the destination of the plane is Shreveport, Louisiana. discussed. 10:08: Air Traffic Control System Command Center in Herndon reports to FAA headquarters 10:37: Associated Press reports that officials at 9:59:04: The South Tower of the World Trade that Flight 93 may be down near Johnstown, the Somerset County airport confirm that a large Center collapses, 55 minutes 53 seconds after Pennsylvania; at 10:17 the Command Center plane has crashed in western Pennsylvania. the impact of Flight 175. Its destruction is concludes it is so. CNN's Aaron Brown passes along reports that a viewed and heard by a vast television and radio 747 is "down" in Pennsylvania. He stresses audience. As the roar of the collapse goes silent, 10:10: Part of the west side of the Pentagon these reports are unconfirmed. At 10:50, this tremendous gray-white clouds of pulverized collapses. report is updated: A 767 has "crashed this concrete and gypsum rush through the streets. morning, north of the Somerset County Most observers think a new explosion or impact 10:10: NEADS emphatically tells fighter pilots Airport". has produced smoke and debris that now over Washington, "Negative clearance to obscures the South Tower. When the wind shoot." 10:39: Another hijacked jumbo jet is claimed to finally clears the immediate space, it is plain to be headed for Washington, D.C. F-15s are see that the tower is gone. 10:10 to 10:15 (approximately): Vice President scrambled and patrol the airspace above Cheney, unaware that Flight 93 has crashed, Washington, D.C. while other fighter jets sweep 10:00 HOURS authorizes fighter aircraft to engage the inbound the airspace above New York City. They have plane, reported to be 80 miles (129 km) from orders, first issued by Vice President Cheney At 10 a.m., moments after the south tower fell, Washington, based not on radar (from which it and later confirmed by President Bush, to shoot Chief J. Pfeifer (inside of north tower) said on has disappeared) but speed and trajectory down any potentially dangerous planes that do the radio the order to all firemen, at least twice, projections. not comply with orders given to them via radio. "Evacuate the building". Eventually, the aircraft is revealed to be a 10:13: Thousands are involved in an evacuation medevac helicopter on its way to the Pentagon. 10:01: The FAA Command Center advises FAA of the United Nations complex in New York. headquarters that an aircraft had seen Flight 93 10:41: NBC News confirms that a plane has "waving his wings," the hijackers' efforts to 10:13 to 10:22: The 9/11 Commission's "gone down" in Somerset County. The earlier defeat the passengers' counterattack. estimated arrival of Flight 93 over Washington unconfirmed statements about an incident at the had it not crashed in Pennsylvania.[9] State Department in Washington, D.C. are 10:02: Communicators with the Vice President reported as false. in the security bunker begin receiving reports 10:14 to 10:19: A lieutenant colonel at the from the Secret Service of an inbound aircraft White House repeatedly relays to the NMCC 10:43: CNN reports that a mass evacuation of — presumably hijacked — heading toward that the Vice President has confirmed that Washington, D.C. and New York has been Washington. This is Flight 93. fighters are cleared to engage inbound aircraft if started. A few minutes later, New York mayor they can verify that the aircraft was hijacked. Rudy Giuliani orders an evacuation of Lower 10:03:11: United Airlines Flight 93 is crashed Manhattan. by its hijackers 80 miles (129 km) southeast of 10:15 (approximately): The Democratic Front Pittsburgh in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. for the Liberation of Palestine is reported to take Timeline of Sept 11 2001 Later reports indicate that passengers had responsibility for the crashes, but this is denied From Wikipedia is learned about the World Trade Center and by a senior officer of the group soon after. Pentagon crashes on cell phones and at least Continues from Page 13 three were planning on resisting the hijackers; 10:20: President Bush, aboard Air Force One,