Page 13 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - September 2009
P. 13
13 Timeline of Sept 11 2001 13 Timeline of Sept 11 2001 Timeline of Sept 11 2001 12:39: On CNN, Senator John McCain Base on Air Force One to return to Washington, From Wikipedia is characterizes attack as an "act of war." D.C. Continued from Page 11 12:41: Senator Orrin Hatch tells CNN, "Both 17:00 HOURS the FBI and our intelligence community believe 10:49: Fox News Channel is the first of the that this is Bin Laden's signature." 17:20: 7 World Trade Center also known as the United States news networks to implement a Salomon Bros. Building, a 47-story building news ticker at the bottom of its screen for 13:00 HOURS that had sustained damage from falling debris supplementary information about the attacks. and widespread fires, collapses. The building CNN adds one at 11:11, and MSNBC adds one 13:00 (approximately): At the Pentagon, fire contained New York's emergency operations at approximately 2:00 PM. All three cable crews are still fighting fires. The early response center, operated by the NYC Office of networks have used a news ticker continuously to the attack had been coordinated from the Emergency Management, originally intended to in the years since (and many local TV stations National Military Command Center, but that respond to disasters such as the September 11 have followed suit). had to be evacuated when it began to fill with terrorist attacks. smoke. 10:50: Five stories of part of the Pentagon 18:00 HOURS collapse due to the fire. 13:04: President Bush puts the U.S. military on high alert worldwide (known as Threat 18:00: Explosions and tracer fire are reported in 10:53: New York's primary elections are Condition Delta). Taped remarks from the Kabul, Afghanistan, by CNN and the BBC. The canceled. President were aired from Barksdale Air Force Northern Alliance, involved in a civil war with Base, stating that "freedom itself was attacked the Taliban government, is later reported to 11:00 HOURS this morning by a faceless coward and freedom have attacked Kabul's airport with helicopter will be defended." He also said that the "United gunships. 11:00: Transport Canada halts all aircraft States will hunt down and punish those departures until further notice, except for responsible for these cowardly acts." He then 18:00: Members of Congress join on the steps police, military, and humanitarian flights, as leaves for a U.S. Strategic Command bunker of the U.S. Capitol and sing "God Bless part of Operation Yellow Ribbon. The operation located at Offutt Air Force Base in Bellevue, America." was well underway as international flights Nebraska. Later in the day several headed for the U.S. had already started to land commentators and journalists, most notably 18:00: Iraq announces the attacks are the fruit at Canadian airports, beginning at CFB Goose ABC's Peter Jennings, express frustration with of "U.S. crimes against humanity" in an official Bay. Fourteen other airports follow, including Bush's seemingly random movements. After the announcement on state television. Halifax, Lester B. Pearson in Toronto, arrival in Nebraska, Jennings asks Ann Montréal-Dorval, and Vancouver. Compton, the ABC correspondent on the scene, 18:00: The last of the aircraft headed for the exactly where the President is. She answers, U.S. to land at a Canadian airport lands at 11:05: The FAA confirms that several planes "He has disappeared down the rabbit hole, Vancouver International, since it was over the have been hijacked in addition to American Peter." Pacific. Airlines Flight 11. 13:27: Mayor Anthony A. Williams of 18:54: President Bush arrives at the White 11:16: American Airlines confirms the loss of Washington, D.C., declares a state of House its two aircraft. emergency; the District of Columbia National Guard arrives on site. 19:00 HOURS 11:26: United Airlines confirms the loss of Flight 93 and states that it is "deeply 14:00 HOURS 19:00: Efforts to locate survivors in the rubble concerned" about Flight 175.[12] that had been the twin towers continue. Fleets 14:39: At a press conference New York Mayor of ambulances are lined up to transport the 11:53: United Airlines confirms the loss of its Rudy Giuliani is asked to estimate the number injured to nearby hospitals, but they stand two aircraft. of casualties at the World Trade Center. He empty. 'Ground Zero' is the exclusive domain of replies, "More than any of us can bear." New York City's Fire Department and Police 11:55: The border between the U.S. and Department, despite volunteer steel and Mexico is on highest alert, but is not closed. 14:50: President Bush arrives at Offutt Air construction workers who stand ready to move Force Base, Bellevue, Nebraska to convene a large quantities of debris quickly. Relatives and 12:00 HOURS National Security Council teleconference via friends of victims or likely victims, many the U.S. Statcom bunker. displaying enlarged photographs of the missing 12:01 (approx.): Fourteen people, including printed on home computer printers, have twelve firefighters, who were in a section of a 15:00 HOURS appeared around New York. The New York stairwell in the North Tower that held together Armory at Lexington Avenue and 26th Street during the collapse, climb the stairs to the top of 15:00 (approx.): Pasquale Buzzelli, who lost and Union Square Park at 14th Street and the Ground Zero rubble field. consciousness in a North Tower stairway during Broadway become centers of vigil. the collapse, awakens to find himself lying atop 12:04: Los Angeles International Airport, the the debris with only a fractured foot. 19:30: U.S. Government denies any intended destination of Flights 11, 77 and 175, responsibility for the reported explosions in is shut down. 16:00 HOURS Kabul, capital of Afghanistan. 12:15: San Francisco International Airport, the 16:00: National news outlets report that high 20:00 HOURS intended destination of Flight 93, is shut down. officials in the federal intelligence community are stating that Osama bin Laden is suspect 20:00 (approx.): Port Authority Police Officer 12:15 (approximately): The airspace over the number one. Will Jimeno, who was in an underground 48 contiguous United States is clear of all corridor between the two towers, is found alive commercial and private flights. 16:25: The New York Stock Exchange, in the rubble, and eventually freed at NASDAQ, and the American Stock Exchange approximately 11:00 p.m. 12:30 (approximately): Secretary of State Colin report that they will remain closed Wednesday Powell boards a plane in Lima, Peru, for September 12. Timeline of Sept 11 2001 From Wikipedia is Washington, D.C. Continues on Page 14 16:36: President Bush departs Offutt Air Force
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