Page 9 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - September 2009
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9 Timeline of Sept 11 2001 9 Timeline of Sept 11 2001 Timeline of Sept 11 2001 any cockpit intrusion- Two a/c [aircraft] hit the immediate evacuation of the Vice President From Wikipedia is World Trade Center." from the White House. Continued from Page 7 9:24: The FAA notifies NORAD's Northeast Air 9:36: Cleveland advises the FAA Command Defense Sector about the suspected hijacking of Center that it is still tracking Flight 93 and 9:03: President Bush enters a classroom as part Flight 77. The FAA and NORAD establish an inquires whether someone had requested the of his school visit. open line to discuss Flight 77, and shortly military to launch fighter aircraft to intercept the thereafter Flight 93. aircraft. 9:03: FAA's New York Center notifies NORAD (NEADS) of the hijacking of Flight 175. 9:25: The Otis-based F-15s establish an air 9:37: Vice President Cheney enters an patrol over Manhattan. underground tunnel leading to a security 9:04 (approximately): The FAA's Boston Air bunker. Route Traffic Control Center stops all 9:25: A video teleconference begins to be set up departures from airports in its jurisdiction (New in the White House Situation Room, led by 9:37:46: Flight 77 crashes into the western side England and eastern New York State). Richard A. Clarke, a special assistant to the of the Pentagon and starts a violent fire. The president, that eventually includes the CIA, the section of the Pentagon hit consists mainly of 9:05: After brief introductions to the Booker FBI, the departments of State, Justice, and newly renovated, unoccupied offices. All 64 elementary students, President Bush is about to Defense, and the FAA. people on board are killed, as are 125 Pentagon begin reading The Pet Goat with the students personnel. when Chief of Staff Andrew Card interrupts to 9:26: The FAA bans takeoffs of all civilian whisper to the president, "A second plane hit the aircraft regardless of destination—a national 9:39: Another radio transmission is heard from second tower. America is under attack."[4] The groundstop. All military bases in the United Ziad Jarrah aboard Flight 93: "Uh, this is the president stated later that he decided to continue States are ordered to increase threat conditions captain. Would like you all to remain seated. the lesson rather than alarm the students. to Delta status.[citation needed] There is a bomb on board and are going back to the airport, and to have our demands 9:06: The FAA bans takeoffs of all flights bound 9:28: Hijackers storm the cockpit on Flight 93 [unintelligible]. Please remain quiet." to or through the airspace of New York Center and take over the flight. The entry of the from airports in that Center and the three hijackers is overheard by flight controllers at 9:39: NBC and MSNBC report an explosion at adjacent Centers — Boston, Cleveland, and Cleveland. the Pentagon. Washington. This is referred to as a First Tier groundstop and covers the Northeast from 9:29: President Bush makes his first public 9:40: Video teleconference in White House North Carolina north and as far west as eastern statements about the attacks, in front of an Situation Room begins with the physical Michigan. audience of about 200 teachers and students at security of the President, the White House, and the elementary school. He states that he will be federal agencies. They are not yet aware of the 9:08: The FAA bans all takeoffs nationwide for going back to Washington, that "we've had a Pentagon crash. flights going to or through New York Center national tragedy", and leads a moment of airspace. ABC reports later that the Port silence. No one in the President's traveling party 9:40:49: CNN's Breaking News bulletin reads Authority of New York and New Jersey, the has any information during this time that other "Reports of fire at Pentagon." agency that runs the New York-area airports, aircraft were hijacked or missing. asked the FAA for permission to close down the 9:43: The White House and the Capitol are New York Center airspace. 9:32: A radio transmission from Flight 93 is evacuated and closed. overheard by flight controllers at Cleveland: 9:13: The F-15 fighters from Otis Air Force "Keep remaining sitting. We have a bomb on 9:45: United States airspace is shut down. No base leave military airspace near Long Island, board." civilian aircraft are allowed to take off, and all bound for Manhattan. aircraft in flight are ordered to land at the 9:32: Controllers at the Dulles Terminal Radar nearest airport as soon as possible. All 9:15 (approximately): President Bush leaves the Approach Control in Virginia observe "a international flights headed for the U.S. are classroom in which he has been reading with primary radar target tracking eastbound at a redirected to Canada. Transport Canada, the students, and enters another, commandeered by high rate of speed", referring to Flight 77. Canadian transportation agency, also closes the Secret Service. It contains a telephone, a down its airspace. The FAA announces that television showing the news coverage, and 9:33 to 9:34: Tower supervisor at Reagan civilian flights are suspended until at least noon several senior staff members. The president National Airport tells Secret Service operations September 12, while Transport Canada gives speaks to Vice President Dick Cheney, center at the White House that "an aircraft [is] similar orders, but until further notice, to take in Condoleezza Rice, New York Governor George coming at you and not talking with us," diverted U.S.-bound international flights, Pataki, and FBI Director Robert Mueller, and referring to Flight 77. The White House is about launching the agency's "Operation Yellow prepares brief remarks[3]. to be evacuated when the tower reports that Ribbon". The groundings last until September Flight 77 has turned and is approaching Reagan 14. Military and medical flights as well as Con 9:15: NBC's Today program reports International Airport. Air flights continue. This is the fourth time all unconfirmed statements from employees at commercial flights in the U.S. have been United Airlines that an American Airlines 9:34: The FAA's Command Center relays stopped, and the first time a suspension was aircraft had been hijacked previous to its information concerning Flight 93 to FAA unplanned. All previous suspensions were destruction. headquarters. military-related (Sky Shield I-III), from 1960 to 1962. Many newspapers (including The New 9:17: CBS News correspondent Jim Stewart in 9:35: The President's motorcade departs from York Times) mistakenly print that this is the first Washington mentions Osama bin Laden as a the elementary school, bound for Sarasota- time flights have been suspended. This was also probable suspect in the intelligence community. Bradenton International Airport and Air Force the first time commercial flights in Canada have One. been stopped. 9:18: CNN makes reference to foul play for the first time, stating the FBI was investigating a 9:35: Flight 93 reverses direction over Ohio and 9:49: The FAA Command Center at Herndon report of plane hijacking. CNN headline: "AP: starts flying eastwards. suggests that someone at FAA headquarters Plane was hijacked before crashes". should decide whether to request military 9:35: Based on a report that Flight 77 had assistance with Flight 93. Ultimately, the FAA 9:23: Flight 93 receives warning message text turned again and was circling back toward the makes no request before it crashes. from United Airlines flight dispatcher: "Beware District of Columbia, the Secret Service orders (Continued on Page 11)