Page 8 - 201002 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2010
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February 2010_june_july_2009.qxd 18/02/2010 9:03 AM Page 8 8 UFOs Are Model Planes in Modesto, CA Radio-controlled planes first saw the lights driving to his north Modesto home. He has since talked with the men and have some Modesto discussed the pertinent municipal city codes. "They're not supposed to fly them in the residents seeing UFOs city limits," he said. "But the industrial area (off By Marijke Rowland Bangs) is fine. I see the cars pulled over and people gazing at those things in the sky. They catch people's attention; they're neat to see." He said the planes haven't set off anything close to a "War of the Worlds"-level They come in peace. hysteria. While the department has fielded a few Those lights you've seen swooping and UFO calls, Raymer said "it's not a burden." swerving across the Modesto night sky are not "Whenever I see people looking, I pull extraterrestrial. They do not want to be taken to over and tell them it's remote-control planes," your leader. They're not even unidentified he said. "It kind of takes the fun out of (it) then." anymore. Modesto Airport has fielded a handful of Instead, the culprits are a bunch of calls about the lights in the sky. Airport manager model plane enthusiasts who have attached Jerome Thiele said the Federal Aviation lights to their radio- controlled aircraft and fly Administration has an advisory circular with them through the night sky for fun. guidelines for model aircraft standards. "This was never intended to be seen as a The circular encourages "voluntary UFO," said Robert Merrill, the de facto captain compliance" and includes cautions about of the Nor Cal Nite Fliers. "We figured we'd try operating near airports, hospitals and schools. It something, fly at night. Next thing you know recommends flying no higher than 400 feet. people are calling the cops, TV and thinking "I just want to make sure that they don't they're UFOs. We never really thought it'd be intentionally fly close to the airport and keep this kind of a spectacle." clear of the medical helipads close to the The 39-year-old Modesto resident and a hospital and other populated areas," Thiele said. group of about eight other men often meet at No specific complaints about the model Modesto Hobby & Crafts, off McHenry and crafts have been filed with the FAA's Flight Bangs avenues in north Modesto, for their night Standards District Office in Fresno. FAA flights. Inspector Jim Henry said the advisory circular is They've flown all over Modesto and meant to encourage hobbyists to be careful in across the area, including Ripon and Tracy. the airspace. The crafts have about a 6-foot wingspan "We can do the enforcement if it's an and weigh about 2 pounds. Each flier has egregious danger to the public," he said. customized his lights design. Merrill said he was familiar with the Merrill, who had been flying model FAA advisory and that the group never tries to planes for about eight years, came up with the interfere with active aircraft. idea in August when he found the lights online "If we see a plane fly by, we'll move from a manufacturer in Hong Kong. away," he said. "We try to stay out of people's The 1-meter adhesive LED strip is about way." a quarter-inch wide and comes in red, white, The group caused a minor commotion blue, green and amber. over Super Bowl Sunday when members flew Because they run on batteries and turn their planes near Briggsmore Avenue. Modesto off to glide at altitude, the crafts are nearly Hobby & Crafts owner Joe Keevil said drivers soundless. In flight, the planes resemble a stopped along the busy thoroughfare to graceful, digital albatross. rubberneck at the night sky. Police later came So why fly a $250 model plane at night and asked them to stop. when it's, well, dark? "We try to stay away from busy roads "I think (it's) just the calmness of it. The now," said Keevil, who doesn't participate in whole thing is, when you get off work, you flying planes but knows all the men from his bring your plane out to the park and literally store, where they all met. kick back in a chair and fly them," Merrill said. Even from their north Modesto flight "Nighttime, you can fly it farther because the area, the planes and their lights can be seen all lights are so bright you can see it farther than in around town. Merrill said he can fly as high as the daytime." 1,000 feet with his craft. He has heard reports of Some members admit the E.T. factor sightings as far away as Maze Boulevard near adds to the excitement. Highway 99 and in Riverbank. "Honestly, the most fun is messing with people," said Modesto resident Rick Sanchez, "Every single night (we fly) somebody comes 40. "People will see the lights (from their cars) out and wonders what they are, if they're a and their heads will hang out the windows. It's UFO," Merrill said. "We sort of laugh about it." amazing how many people think they are UFOs." The group flies almost every night that the sky is clear. Manteca resident John Gilmore, 46, started about eight months ago. "The challenge of it interested me. And it's definitely a challenge," he said. "We're having fun. We're not trying to freak anyone out or cause problems. It's just good, clean fun." The Modesto Police Department is well aware of the group. Lt. Clint Raymer said he
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