Page 26 - New eMagazine Assignment
P. 26

determine if you will be a good teacher. Personally, the Praxis and certification are outdated and

               are just a money racket today.

     , (2019), About the Praxis® Tests, Retrieved from

      (2019), Teacher Certification Tests, Retrieved from


                       Dear Information Professional #4

                       I am currently driving a school bus. I have an IT degree. The head of the IT department

               recently retired and I was hoping the job opening would be posted. It never was. The position

               was giving to the principle that just had experience in technology education. How does

               experience in technology education translate into being the head of IT?

                                                                                Confused by Ignorance

                       Dear confused,

                       I am sorry to hear about your bubble being burst. Most schools do hire from within for

               many positions that come open in the system. This is done to prevent other from getting hired or

               sometimes someone is demoted from a position to fill another open position. And many times

               this is done even when the person being moved to fill the position isn’t qualified for the position.

               This happens very often to save time and money and the person has to learn on the job. But, in

               your particular case, it hurts more than it helps. Many times, the person being moved to another

               position without any prior knowledge or experience can lead to low morale. I hope this is not the

               case here, but don’t give up hope. Something will turn up for you.
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