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                 Policy Name:   Business Conduct and Ethics
                 Discipline:    All Employees
                 Applies To:    All Employees
                 Effective:     June 2007
                 At a Glance

                 The successful business operation and reputation for Fox Restaurant Concepts is built upon the principles of fair
                 dealing and ethical conduct of our employees. Our reputation for integrity, excellence and trust requires careful
                 observance of the spirit and letter of all applicable laws and regulations, as well as a scrupulous regard for the
                 highest standards of conduct and personal integrity.

                 The continued success of FRC is dependent upon our guests’, investors’ and employees’ trust and we are dedicated
                 to preserving that trust. Each employee owes a duty to FRC to act in a way that will merit the continued trust and
                 confidence of our employees, guests and investors.
                 FRC will comply with all applicable laws and regulations and expects all employees to conduct business in
                 accordance with the letter, spirit, and intent of all relevant laws and to refrain from any illegal, dishonest, or
                 unethical conduct.
                 In general, the use of good judgment, based on high ethical principles will guide you with respect to lines of
                 acceptable conduct. In situations, where it is difficult to determine the proper course of action, the matter should be
                 discussed openly with your immediate supervisor and with Human Resources.

                 Do the Right Thing
                 Several key questions can help identify situations that may be unethical, inappropriate or illegal. Ask yourself:
                     •  Does what I am doing comply with FRC’s guiding principles, and company policies?
                     •  Have I been asked to misrepresent information or deviate from a normal procedure?
                     •  Would I feel comfortable describing my decision at a staff meeting?
                     •  How would it look if it made the headlines?
                     •  Am I being loyal to my family, my company and myself?
                     •  What would I tell my child to do?
                     •  Is this the right thing to do?

                 Open and Honest Communication and Setting the Tone at the Top
                 Management has the added responsibility for demonstrating, through its actions, the importance of business ethics
                 and conduct. Ethical behavior does not simply happen; it is the product of clear and direct communication of
                 behavioral expectations, modeled from the top and demonstrated by example.
                 Ultimately, our actions are what matters. At FRC, we want the ethics dialogue to become a part of daily work.

                 Our Code of Ethics
                 Compliance with Laws and Regulations
                 All employees must comply with the laws and regulations applicable to the locations we conduct business in.

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