Page 4 - OWLS AdvanceSheet Spring 2017
P. 4

Upcoming   OWLS Events*

            Courthouse Connection CLE Series:   Habitat for Humanity Build       Family Law Mentoring Circle
            Impacts of Oregon’s Marijuana     Portland                           Portland
            Industry on Your Practice         Saturday, April 29, 8:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m.  Second Tuesdays, April–June, noon–1 p.m.
            Salem                                                                Gevurtz Menashe, 115 NW First Ave.
            Tuesday, April 18 and April 25, noon–1 p.m.   Road to the Bench
            Marion County Courthouse          Medford                            Gorge OWLS
            100 High St., NE                  Saturday, April 29, 9 a.m.–2 p.m.   Columbia River Gorge
                                              Oregon Community Foundation        First Wednesdays, noon–1 p.m.
            Ethics Issues for Lawyers         818 W Eighth St.                   Hood River or The Dalles
            Using Social Media
            Oregon City                       Networking in Salem: The Invinci-  Josephine County Women Lawyers
            Friday, April 21, noon–1 p.m.     ble Professional Woman: Find Your   Grants Pass
            821 Main St.                      Blind Spots, Reveal Your Power     First Wednesdays, noon
                                              Featuring Best-Selling Author and   La Burrita, 1501 NE F St.
            Professionalism Panel:            Coach Sonia Miller
            Practicing Diversity              Salem                              Queen’s Bench
            Portland                          Tuesday, May 2, 5:15–7 p.m.        Portland
            Friday, April 21, noon–1:30 p.m.   Hallie Ford Museum of Art         Second Tuesdays, 11:45 a.m.–1 p.m.
            Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse    700 State St.                    Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse
            1000 SW Third Ave.                                                   1000 SW Third Ave.
                                              Dress for Success
            Take Your Kids to Work Day        Fundraiser and Fashion Show        Lawyers’ Association
            Portland                          Portland                           of Washington County
            Thursday, April 27, noon to 1:15 p.m.   Thursday, August 3           Hillsboro
            Multnomah County Courthouse       Location TBD                       Third Wednesdays, 8–9:30 a.m.
            1021 SW Fourth Ave.                                                  Manaia Coffee House and Island Grill
                                              Contract Lawyer Discussion Group   Café, 203 E Main St.
            Above the ADA:                    Portland and by phone                Meet with the Washington County Bar
            Disability and Employment Law     First Tuesdays in May and June, 1–2 p.m.   Association New Lawyers Division.
            Through an Inclusive Lens         Garvey Schubert Barer
            Portland                          121 SW Morrison St., Ste. 100
            Friday, April 28, 2–4:30 p.m.       Discuss matters of mutual interest with   * See the events calendar on the OWLS
            Followed by a reception           contract lawyers and people considering   website for more information about
            Stoel Rives, 760 SW Ninth Ave.    working as contract lawyers.       each event.
            Mary Leonard Chapter Co-sponsors New Attorney Series

                                                     By Rachel Hungerford
                  he OWLS Mary Leonard Chapter
                  and the Oregon New Lawyers
            TDivision partnered this winter
            to offer lawyers and law students in the
            mid–Willamette Valley a three-part series
            on how to grow their careers.  All three
            parts were held in the early evening in
            Salem  and included refreshments and
            networking opportunities.                          From left: Jennifer Paul, Catherine Trottman, Rachel Hungerford,
              Collier Law hosted the first part, “Net-                    Mary Leonard Chapter President Tiffany Hamilton
            working with Intentionality,” on Janu -   (Law Offices of Jon Weiner) offered their   (Sherman Sherman Johnnie & Hoyt)
            ary 17. The panel of speakers—Hon. Chris   thoughts on what you can be doing—  emphasized the importance of finding a
            Garrett (Oregon Court of Appeals), Kate   whether you are a law student, a new   work environment where you will thrive,
            Wilkinson (Oregon School Boards Asso-  attorney, or an experienced attorney—to   not being afraid to change course along
            ciation), Ryan Collier (Collier Law), and   successfully market yourself to prospec-  the way, and seeking out mentors who
            Sydnie Wells (Willamette Law 3L)—each   tive clients and employers.   can help you find your footing.
            shared practical tips for networking in a   Sherman Sherman Johnnie & Hoyt   Thanks to all of our wonderful speak-
            way that works for them and for avoiding   hosted the final part of the series, “Build-  ers and to everyone who came out for
            some common networking pitfalls.   ing a Successful Career,” on March 15.   these events.
              Saalfeld  Griggs  hosted  the  second   Panelists Hon. Erika Hadlock (Oregon
            part of the series, “Marketing Yourself   Court of Appeals), Beth Vargas Duncan   Rachel Hungerford, a staff attorney at
            at Any Stage,” on February 23. Panelists   (Oregon Refuse and Recycling Associa-  the Office of Legislative Counsel, is the
            Jennifer Paul (Saalfeld Griggs), Paul Saucy   tion), Gina Johnnie (Sherman Sherman   programming chair for the OWLS Mary
            (Saucy & Saucy), and Catherine Trottman   Johnnie & Hoyt), and Michelle Morrow   Leonard Chapter.

            OREGON WOMEN LAWYERS AdvanceSheet                 4                                           SPRING 2017
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