Page 6 - OWLS AdvanceSheet Spring 2017
P. 6

Roberts & Deiz Awards Dinner                                                     continued from page 1

                                                                                          Enjoying the festivities, left
                                                                                          to right: Photo at left:
                                                                                          Judge Judith Matarazzo,
                                                                                          Judge Marilyn Litzenberger,
                                                                                          Judge Susan Graber,
                                                                                          Justice Martha Walters;
                                                                                          Below: Kim Stafford,
                                                                                          Gabby Richards,
                                                                                          Christie Martin,
                                                                                          Kristina Holm,
                                                                                          Susan Krant,
                                                                                          Jennifer Nicholls

            The Honorable Janice R. Wilson

              A special thank-you
              to the sponsors of
              our Roberts & Deiz
              Awards Dinner

              Title Sponsor
              Paulson Coletti Trial Attorneys

              Platinum Sponsors
              Ball Janik
              Barran Liebman                                                                                      Photos: Dreams in Bloom Photography
              Davis Wright Tremaine
              Janet Hoffman & Associates
              Keating Jones Hughes
              Markowitz Herbold
              Miller Nash Graham & Dunn           Left to right: Carolyn Pearson, Magistrate Judge Stacie Beckerman, Hala Gores,
              Orrick                                Anne Milligan, Rima Ghandour, Nadia Dahab. See page 16 for more photos.
              OWLS Foundation                 who has made an outstanding contribu-  for her 60th birthday party.
              Perkins Coie                    tion to promoting women in the legal   Attorney Joanna Robinson also praised
              Schwabe Williamson & Wyatt      profession and the community. Judge   Judge Frantz, noting that her focus is
              Stoel Rives                     Frantz was praised as a trailblazer, having   on service.
                                              served as the first female president of the   In her acceptance speech, Judge Frantz
              Gold Sponsors                   Oregon State Bar and the first female   recalled that there were only five women
              Brix Law                        presiding judge for Multnomah County.  in her law school class in 1972, the same
                                                                                 year the Equal Rights Amendment was
                                                In the video, Attorney General Ellen
              Garvey Schubert Barer           Rosenblum praised Judge Frantz as a   submitted to the states for ratification.
              Larkins Vacura Kayser           fiercely loyal friend and colleague. She   Noting that justice is portrayed as a
              Tomasi Salyer Martin            also said that Judge Frantz, like Justice   woman, Judge Frantz called on women
              Tonkon Torp                     Betty Roberts, personifies grit and grace.  to serve as mentors and role models. She
              Yates Family Law                  Judge Waller agreed, and she spoke   cited Justice Sotomayor and noted that
                                              about Judge Frantz’s commitment to   without proximate living examples, goals
                                              community. She credited Judge Frantz   for what individuals may achieve remain
              Silver Sponsors                 with starting the successful Take Your   abstract. Judge Frantz reminded the
              Kranovich & Lucero              Child to Work Day at the Multnomah   audience that mentoring is inter-genera-
              Leonard Law Group               County Courthouse, an annual program   tional, and she exhorted everyone to “get
              Multnomah Bar Association       that  Judge Frantz continues  to imple-  outside the four corners of your office
              Pacific Continental Bank        ment. Judge Waller also noted that Judge   and inspire and affect for the better.”
                                              Frantz had recruited a group of women   Brie Bridegum is in the litigation group
                                              to build a Habitat for Humanity home   at Stoel Rives in Portland.

            OREGON WOMEN LAWYERS AdvanceSheet                 6                                           SPRING 2017
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