Page 8 - OWLS AdvanceSheet Spring 2017
P. 8

Oregon Filipino                 OWLS Thanks Laura Craska Cooper
            American Lawyers                                            By Bridget Budbill

                  Association                       utgoing OWLS President Laura   ing up for what’s right. My daughters are
                                                    Craska Cooper has put a lot of   not afraid to speak up for others, and
               By Judge Janelle Factora Wipper  Omiles on her car to attend OWLS   that has a lot to do with being exposed
                                              board meetings in Portland, but she   to OWLS, its members, and its mission.”
                  n February 28 a robust group
                  of about 60 Filipino attorneys,   says her com-                                       Laura be-
           Ojudges, and community members     mute  was                                                came OWLS
            gathered in Portland to celebrate Ore-  well worth                                         president  in
                                              the personal
                                                                                                       the spring of
            gon’s newest bar association, the Oregon   connections                                     2016, after
            Filipino  American  Lawyers  Association   made with                                       serving both
            (OFALA).                          OWLS mem-                                                as vice presi-
              In 2015 the association started out with   bers.                                         dent  and  as
            just an email; it then grew into social   “Through                                         treasurer. Al-
            gatherings of Filipino lawyers and law   OWLS, I have                                      though her
            students.  Then,  in  a  small  conference   had oppor-                                    role as pres-
            room in September 2016, a mission was   tunities to                                        ident ends
            realized and bylaws were formed, and   work with                                           this month,
            OFALA was founded later that month.   amazing                                              she vows to
               OFALA is a professional association   women and                                         stay active
            of Filipino American judges, lawyers,   men from                                           in OWLS and
            law students, legal professionals, and   many dif -                                        has volun-
            supporters. Part of OFALA’s mission   ferent fields   OWLS President Laura Craska Cooper (left)    teered to or-
            is to increase the visibility of Filipino   of practice,”   and President-elect Angela Franco Lucero  ganize  the
            American legal professionals and their   said Laura, a founding partner in the   2018 OWLS Chapter Summit.
            accomplishments; promote equality and   Bend office of Brix Law, where she   Laura’s  other  commitments in the
            multiculturalism by increasing diversity   practices real estate, land use, and gen-  legal community include serving on the
            within the Oregon State Bar and the   eral business law. She chose to attend   Executive Committee of the Real Estate
            broader legal system; and empower Or-  board meetings in person rather than   and Land Use Section of the Oregon State
            egon’s Filipino American community by   by phone because she values in-person   Bar and providing pro-bono legal counsel
            increasing its access to the legal system.   conversations. “The board has been so   to nonprofit organizations throughout
            OWLS member Julia Markley currently   very supportive of me and flexible when   Central Oregon. She will soon begin a
            serves as OFALA’s president.      I needed it,” Laura added.         new endeavor as a member of the Central
              Since its founding, OFALA has made   Her ability to lead the organization   Oregon Film Office Board of Directors,
            important connections: Six members trav-  while based in Central Oregon, where   which recruits production companies to
            eled to San Francisco in March to attend   she lives with her family, galvanized her   use Central Oregon for filming locations.
            the West Coast Pinay Powerhouse Con-  commitment to continue OWLS’ efforts   Reflecting on her time as OWLS pres-
            ference, which focused on empowering   to be relevant to all parts of the state.  ident, Laura said, “It has truly been one
            Filipina American women lawyers. Two   Laura expressed  her admiration for   of the honors of my lifetime to have a
            members volunteered at the Philippine   OWLS’ emphasis on cultivating and   seat at the table with so many amazing
            Consulate’s Portland-based event to help   celebrating diversity in its membership.   people and to work on so many import-
            with passport renewals and other travel   “OWLS has provided my daughters an ed-  ant issues.” OWLS thanks Laura for her
            inquiries.                        ucation in civil rights and issues faced by   dedication and her leadership.
              A current goal of OFALA is to partner   marginalized communities, and a finely   Bridget Budbill is an attorney at the
            with existing specialty bar organizations.   tuned sense of the importance of stand-  Bonneville Power Administration.
            Partnering generates a stronger voice in
            the larger Oregon bar community, and
            thus the unique issues facing Filipino
            Americans will be more readily identified.
            We plan to attend many events offered   Tonya M. Alexander, J.D.
            by our sister and brother specialty bars.
            Please support us. Visit www.oregonfala.
            org. Check us out on Facebook or join our   A fresh approach to helping family
            LinkedIn group.                         law attorneys settle their cases
              OFALA thanks the sponsors of our   Exclusively Divorce Mediation & Collaborative Law
            February 28 event: Parker Butte & Lane;
            Parsons Farnell & Grein; and Perkins Coie.
            Judge Janelle Factora Wipper serves on   Over 15 years of dedication to Family Law
            the Washington County Circuit Court.             (503) 531-9109
            She is OFALA’s president-elect.

            OREGON WOMEN LAWYERS AdvanceSheet                 8                                           SPRING 2017
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