Page 11 - Yearbook 2019 Final quality print
P. 11

Head of Clinical Medicine Department

            obert Gallagher said that change is inevitable - except from a
         Rvending machine. As you stand on the brink of moving into life
         beyond OMC, change will be inevitable! It is inevitable and indeed
         gratifying to see the Graduating Class of 2019 matured and became
         skills proficient ready to tackle and further their life-long learning. It is
         inevitable that structures and processes and relationships will change
         in your day-to-day lives. It is inevitable that you will face new chal-
         lenges and it is inevitable that things may seem a little different in the
         years ahead.
          As we look back on this journey - a journey that started out with
          hesitant, tentative steps, you see how far you have progressed. It has
          been an honor and a privilege for me being part of your journey and         Mr. Peter Kimani
          one which has been imbued with wonderful memories. You have           Head of Clinical Medicine and
          all left and will continue to leave an indelible legacy of excellence,    Surgery Department
          achievement and a fine ethos and tradition for generations to come.
          I would also like to pay tribute to the wonderful teachers, the  par-
          ents, you fellow junior students and indeed the management - you
          have all guided, molded and shaped the Ladies and Gentlemen grad-
          uating today. Your role has been hugely instrumental in molding our
          youth...our hope for the future.                                           “Even a
          As you face and tackle the inevitable changes, hold true to yourself.
          Remember to hold onto your value system, your work ethic and most    broken watch is
          importantly, your humanity. It is these qualities that will guide you
          further on your journey.
          Today’s achievements may fade or even be forgotten. The applause  correct twice a

          may become a distant memory and your certificates may gather
          dust on a shelf or in a drawer. But, you will always be remembered             day.”
          for caring enough, for helping someone, for making someone feel
          special and appreciated and for being the kind of person that others
          enjoy spending time with.
          Lets go out there and spread the message about OMC because we
          are living in times where we see many humans but not enough hu-
          manity; times where the rich have more rooms than the children and
          the poor have more children than rooms.
          We live in times where the rich walk miles to digest food, while the
          poor walk miles to obtain food; we live in times where women are
          paid to be naked, while others are fined to be dressed; we live in
          times where our possessions are more, but our appreciation is less
          and we live in times where many know the prices of everything but
          we value nothing. Continue upholding our philosophy of doing the
          right things right the first time and always.
          After college graduation, consider obtaining degrees and postgradu-
          ate training to help you succeed and reach your professional goals.
          God bless you all, God bless Outspan fraternity

        Producing competent service oriented professionals.  11                           Class of 2019 | Yearbook

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