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Quality Assurance & Standards Officer

          am deeply overjoyed to join with so many others to offer my con-
        I  gratulations to you on this great achievement. You have reached yet
         another milestone in your life’s journey .You embarked on this path
         just a few years ago and it has culminated in the award that you re-
         ceive today. Such an achievement must bring about a sense of pride
         and accomplishment .Indeed it is very gratifying when hard work and
         dedication pay off.

          The stage has now been set for you to venture onto a new, more
          dynamic and perhaps more challenging path where you now enter
          upon the global stage that Outspan Medical College has endowed
          you to conquer.

          Your pursuit of excellence in all your endeavors however does not
          stop here. Although you may tire of hearing this, the reality is that
          the hard work continues and indeed may be considered to even be
          harder in future. Your engagement and commitment to hard work
          should not be diminished, it not be allowed to wane by all means.      Ms. Josephine M. Miring’u
          This is actually the point where it intensifies as you now have to put   Quality Assurance & Standards
          what you have learnt in to practice to prove that you are worthy your        Officer (QASO)
          achievement. I urge you at all times to remember that the impact of
          the quality of your performance is like a pebble, will be felt by the
          whole society as it spreads out like ripples on a pond.

          Abide by the ethical standards of your profession at all times. A         “Sometimes
          quote by Henry Kravis goes; if you don’t have integrity .you can’t buy
          it. You can have all the money in the world but if you are not a moral     challenging
          and ethical person you really have nothing
                                                                                 situations lead to

          Therefore the attitude you adopt towards your profession and your
          life will speak volumes about your character and so must correspond        beautiful life
          with the goals that you have set for yourself.
                                                                                  changing oppor-

          Always endevour  to embrace the high standards of the profession
          set by so many who have gone before and blazed the trail for you.      tunities... so listen
          In closing I wish to leave you with some scriptural motivation from
          the book of Luke Chapter 12 verse 48 from everyone who has been         to them because
          given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has
          been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.                       they’re quietly

          Once again congratulations to you all on your great achievement, I            spoken!”
          wish you every success.

        Producing competent service oriented professionals.  9                            Class of 2019 | Yearbook

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