Page 48 - Vinscientiana2019
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Vocation Story
       Fiat Voluntas Tua                                                                                                         A VOCATION STORY                     Now Samuel did not yet the Lord; the word
                                                                                                                                What Is It To Be A Diocesan Seminarian?

                                                                                                                                                                        of the Lord had not yet been revealed to
                                                                                                                                                                      him. Then the Lord called Samuel a third
                              BY: SEM. BERNARD BALBERAN                                                                          BY: SEM. CHRIS WILLIARD CHIU         time. So he got up and went to Eli and said,
                                                                                                                                  Since elementary, I desired to become
                                                                                                                                a priest. Good thing when I reached high   “Here I am, for you called me.” But Eli then
           We often hear of a vocation                                                                                          school, my spiritual director helped me   realized that it was the Lord who was
         story with an extraordinary                                                                                            to discern and prepare myself. Especially   calling the boy. So Eli said to Samuel, “Go
         manifestation of events. However,                                                                                      for the time that I am going to ask my   back and lie down. When he calls you, say,
                                                                                                                                                                      “Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.”
         in my case, my vocation story is                                                                                       parish  priest  for his  recommendation.                  (1 Sam 3:7‘9)
                                                                                                                                Sadly, after asking in three consecutive
         simply like an ordinary person’s                                                                                       years, he did not allow me - even to try   my parish priest and I planned to establish
         life. Actually I can’t remember the                                                                                    to another congregation. Every year he   a vocation ministry; at least to start an
         exact moment where I first felt the                                                                                    gave me different reasons and alibi why he   effort to promote, nurture and assist any
         call. Perhaps, gradually I started to                                                                                  didn’t allow me. So in the end, I thought   vocation that youth like me expressed to
         recognize it and tried nurturing it                                                                                    maybe it was not for me. I prayed that if   follow. The vocation office of our diocese
                                                                                                                                                                   held a search-in for the first time in 2017,
                                                                                                                                it was God’s plan for me, I know He will
         until it grew.                                                                                                         be the one who will open the gates of His   with that I was asked by my parish priest
                                                                                                                                seminary for me. Although at first, it was   to attend so that what I could get from the
           I come from a simple family,                                                                                         sad I continue to serve in our parish and   talks soon will be used as we start our plan
         of ten children and I’m the 5th                                                                                        never think of priesthood anymore.    for the parish. I attended the search-in and
         child. As expected in a big family,   Rogationists and tried Maradjao  community experience took place.                                                   I learned a lot. It was also the time where
                                                                                                                                      It was in COYNOVA’s Diocesan
         financial struggle is real but it does   Magbalantay at the Diocese of  Somehow this was giving me an                  Youth Day 2016 celebration that I   Fr. Marvin and I met. He got curious with
         not hinder as to live a good life.   Surigao. I did pass it all but when  answer to the immense longing                fully  realized  that  I  was  called  for  the   me because after the search-in I didn’t
         As far as I can remember before    the time came to finally decide, my  that I felt.                                   priesthood; the time when I felt that the   join the others giving their names because
                                                                                                                                                                   they wanted to apply. To be a diocesan
         they go to work they gathered us   parents  suggested  that  I  have  to                                               calling was real. I realized that priesthood   seminarian was an impossible thing for
         all in our altar to pray. I started   take a college degree in a university   I said to myself after college I         is a gift of God’s mercy. The priesthood is   me but because of God’s call, I took the
         to build my religious experience   before entering seminary. Perhaps,   will work for three years and see              not a thing that you will achieve because   initial exams given by the Vocation Office   I am now a living proof that the
                                                                                                                                of what you have done. It is not a call
         and my relationship with God.      I was also convinced that I was too   if I still want to pursue a religious         of achievement that only the righteous   which I passed and then I got into SVS.  diocesan vocation is not only for those
         I also believe that because of my   young to decide. I just told myself   life. Life traveled so fast. I started       man can get but it is the fullness of God’s   According to the dictionary, a   who can afford but to all who trust in
         grandmother I had deepened my      if this is God’s plan for me then he   to work on March of 2014. I decided          mercy. I came up to this reflection when   seminarian is a student who studies   God’s mercy and providence. It is an
         faith. She was my model in prayer   will make a way. “Kairos” in God’s   to ask Sr.Ann Amar, DC to journey             I started to gaze intimately at the image   in the seminary wanting to become a   honor to share this faith being a diocesan
         life.  All  these  gave  me  a  spark  of   opportune time.            with me while I’m discerning a                  of Our Lady of Mercy. During the event,   priest. As for a diocesan seminarian, it   seminarian under the mantle and heart
                                                                                                                                                                   means you are a seminarian belonging
                                                                                                                                since it was held in the Vicariate of Our
                                                                                                                                                                                                       of St. Vincent de Paul. From DYD 2016,
         inspiration in my vocation.                                            religious life. Hence, she endorsed             Lady of Mercy, I prayed every day to her. I   to a diocese under the supervision of the   all things happened after that led me here
                                              Moving on, I took a bachelor’s  me to Fr.Don, vocation director of                asked that through her intercession, I may   local ordinary. In the eyes of the people,   and with God’s grace I can’t still believe
           During one of my high school     degree in Mechanical engineering  Congregation of the Mission. On                   also receive God’s mercy and forgiveness   diocesan seminarians are marked with   that I am now a diocesan seminarian. I like
         days, I decided to wake up early at   at a state university in Marawi  June 23, 2015 I got a message from              because of what I boasted before to God,   excellence. There is a high expectation   to share this Deuteronomic passage that
         dawn and attended Misa De Gallo.   City.  Life  there  was  never  easy  him. It was not till December of              why after all that I have served Him since   for everything we do. Everyone thinks   makes me remain grounded and guided:
         I think that was the first time I   and the danger in the vicinity  2016 when we first met in person.                  my childhood He didn’t allow me to   that we are intelligent, talented and   “Remember,  do  not  forget,  when  you  arrive
         really cried during  Mass. There   was prevalent.  And because of  On May 10, 2017 I journeyed with                    enter the seminary and why He turned   born  angelic  humans.  People  treat  us  as   in that land,  which you have not  conquered,
         was this unexplainable feeling of   these, I have nowhere else to go.  the Congregation of the Mission on              me down three times. This realization   if we are the sons of the priest. But that   when you have a full stomach  of things
                                                                                                                                                                   is the old drama. Diocesan seminarians of
                                                                                                                                relived my dead and long forgotten desire
         joy. I was deeply touched by the   Consequently, I joined a Campus  a popular mission. Sadly, this was                 to become a priest. Then, I met Bro.   today are different. I believe that diocesan   you have not sown,  when you dwell in a
         Eucharist. Then a question in my   Catholic  organization.  I  found  also the onset of the Marawi siege,              Mark Salamat, SSP and it started a faith-  seminarians are God’s gift to the diocese.   house that you did not build, remember,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       remember that you  were a slave in Egypt.
         mind sprouts gently, could I be    myself zealously working in the  the place that I considered as the                 wracking journey. Meeting him led me   We are not a liability. The priesthood
         like this priest who offers his life   organization, and with the Campus  seed bed of my spiritual formation.          to his congregation but unfortunately it   is our goal, but it is not the end. We do   All will remain for the glory of God.
         and shared the gospel to people?   Catholic community I got to know                                                    was really impossible for me. My parents   things in the seminary because we thirst
                                                                                                                                                                   for God’s revelations; from our prayers,
                                                                                                                                separated in 2008 and from then we’re not
         However I just kept it to myself.                                        Lastly,  I   believe  vocation                financially able to spend other than for   community, apostolate, and academics.
                                            the Daughters of Charity who
             Then high school graduation  were serving the Blessed Virgin       discernment is a continuous                     our daily needs. So my SD introduced me   We are not just future priests, we are
                                                                                                                                                                   seminarians. We are the hope of the
                                                                                                                                once again to their congregation because
         came. I was still undecided on what  Mary Chaplaincy together with     process. Every day is an invitation             with them, everything was provided but   church. Our existence makes the world
         course to take. I felt that I want  priests Fr.Ever and Fr.Chito. It was   to say Yes or No. We are given the          since my formator there was my former   know that the church is still relevant and
         something that I cannot explain. As  becoming clear to me that perhaps I   freedom to either stay committed            parish  priest,  things  just  didn’t  flow  as   so our faith. The fulfillment of being a
         a result I joined a three day search-  want to live a life like that. I believe   or choose the other way. In the end,   what it should be and I decided to go back   diocesan seminarian is not just to become
                                                                                I pray that “His will be done”.
         in for Camillians, took the exam for  that’s where my first religious                                                  to school. Since I was one of those who   a priest  but to become  a truly diocesan
                                                                                                                                expressed my intention for the priesthood,   seminarian.

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