Page 52 - Vinscientiana2019
P. 52

BEYOND STRUGGLES                                                                                                  LIGHT IN THE MIDST OF DARKNESS

                                     BY: SEM. SOC LEONARD CARDIÑO                                                                                                  BY: SEM. RC LAGAMAYO

                                                                                                                                                                   Good News, their assurance of
                                                                                                                                                                   Faith and Hope. As we continued  marketing, assisting in the food
                                                                                                                                                                   to converse and listened to their  preparation and packing, and
                                                                                                                                                                   stories (which at times tears  distribution of the food. This simple
                                                                                                                                                                   started to fall), we began to unravel  sacrifice on our part brought about
                                                                                                                                                                   different stories of life – stories  a  feeling  of  joy  and  fulfilment
                                                                                                                                                                   that sometimes question  God on  knowing that at the end of it all we
                                                                                                                                                                   their own account of miseries.     can provide the prisoners’ corporal
                                                                                                                                                                                                      needs at that certain moment.
                                                                                                                                                                      Hope never fades in the
           Education preserves the culture                                                                                        As the formation continues, Pre-  detainees despite their struggles    There is still light amidst
         of the society and in turn paves the                                                                                   Internal Seminarians  (PIS) of St.   in their current situation. In fact,  darkness, a spark of light we have
         way to cultural transmission from                                                                                      Vincent Seminary carried out their   some  of them may have a  deeper  encountered in our apostolate.
         one generation to another. But what                                                                                    Apostolate every Sunday. This      faith compared to us who are  Despite their crimes, they are still
         happens if education and culture are                                                                                   year, it consists of visiting certain   seminarians.  Overwhelmingly,  people – REAL PEOPLE. They
         being oppressed by the one who is                                                                                      precincts and Jails in Quezon City.   in spite of their sufferings, they  may  have  stumbled  in  their  lives
         supposed to protect and preserve it?
                                            upon their situation, I couldn’t  but more importantly an action.                   This is a new area of ministry which   do manifest a certain kind of  but that doesn’t mean they have
           Recently, a group of students  comprehend the very thought of                                                        was undertaken after the catechism   optimism which ordinary people  lost their faith. Further, they have
         and teachers from Mindanao went  their hardship accompanied not          The Lumad students’ situation                 and family visits last 2017-2018   don’t have. This was reinforced by  this kind of faith that continuously
         to Metro Manila to express their  only by their eagerness to acquire   is not only rooted in education but             formation  year.  These  experiences   our presence and empathy, letting  guides and gives them strength to
         grievances on the alleged bombing  knowledge thru education but        embedded in the social system of the            were new and truly inspiring.      them feel blessed and continue to  live  life.  They  have  this  immense
                                                                                country oppression at the margins
         and harassment being undertaken  the very survival of their tribe.     of society: The poor and the weak...              At first, we were shocked about   see God in their day to day survival  hope that someday, with the grace
         in their schools.  They were Lumad    As a Filipino, I often asked if the  The powerful subjugate the voiceless                                           in jail.                           of the Lord, they will be free and
         students who were fighting for their   Filipino culture still has a distinct  and tend to use the latter for their     the situation of every prisoner in                                    given a second chance to correct
         right: to peace, to culture, to education   culture  or  it’s just trying  to  copy  own benefits. It is as if they were   the precincts. Every cell exceeds   In response, we continue to   their mistakes. Light is really real,
         and ultimately to life. Despite their   other cultures especially the western  just a thing to be used and later       the standard number of prisoners   partake in this simple gesture of   it’s in their hearts, which can’t be
         youthfulness, the maturity of their   ones. These tribes embody the lost  on to be discarded like garbage.             detained and in the same manner    charity. We, the seminarians, also   taken away by darkness.
         cause  immensely  resonated  with   culture of the Philippines. However,                                               the jail also had a shortage of food   sourced out some funds to allocate
         the hearts of people who managed   with  their  situation  it  seems  that   As we take a further step into our        ration. It was a heartbreaking and   for the food provisions during our
         to talk to them. With the support   they are being deprived of that    formation, maybe it is important for            pitiful scene. In some occasion,   visits.  More so,  we also  did the
         of their teachers, who sacrificed   right for its preservation. As such,   us to take on a deeper understanding        due to the influx of detainees, they
         their own profession, families     we are not just killing people but   and concern at this oppression.                had to stay in only one position
         and even their lives, they create a   the  very  existence  of  our  national   This Lumad people are fighting         like standing or seating because of
         strong concrete protest against the   identity... our being Filipino.   not only for their own tribes but              extremely limited space. It is quite
         current government administration.                                     for the entirety of Filipino culture.           an obscure scenario but it’s the real
                                               As a Catholic and a seminarian  They may now consider their right                situation of jails we have visited.
           Every child has a right to have
         access to education and in turn should   I often missed my involvement in  to education as their cause but in            On the other hand, we felt
                                            such issues since I am only focused  reality they are fighting for our
         be provided to them not only by their   on spiritual formation and being  culture and the uniqueness of being a        something positive... a glimpse
         parents but also by the government   holy. Pondering on the life of  Filipino. They truly manifest the true            of hope. With every ministry
         itself. Dr. Jose Rizal, our national   Jesus and his special affection for  meaning of humanity: selfless love.        services we gave  like Eucharistic
         hero, aptly said that the children   children, I was bothered. I suddenly                                              Celebration, Bible Sharing, and
         (also youth) are the hope of our   questioned myself, if I need to                                                     Singing, we have recognized that
         country. The struggle of these Lumad   take  a  stance  on  their  advocacy                                            they were so attentive to the Word
         students somehow contradicted      or do I really need to care. These                                                  of God. It can be shown in their
         that very principle. As I reflected
                                            questions don’t just need an answer                                                 eyes the longing and thirst for the

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