Page 57 - Vinscientiana2019
P. 57


 BANG UMUWI?                              BY: FR. VINCE ROBLES, CM

           Gospel: (Luke 4: 16-19)
           “Jesus came to Nazareth where he had been reared, and entering the synagogue on the Sabbath
           as he was in the habit of doing, he stood up to do the reading. When the book of the prophet
           Isaiah was handed him, he unrolled the scroll and found the passage where it was written:
           “The spirit of the Lord is upon me; therefore, he has anointed me. He has sent me to bring
           good tidings of joy to the poor, to proclaim liberty to captives, recovery of sight to the
           blind and release to prisoners, to announce a year of favor from the Lord.” Rolling up the
           scroll he gave it back to the assistant and sat down. All in the synagogue had their eyes
           fixed on him.  Then he began by saying to them, “Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in
           your hearing.”

           As  Vincentians,  we  do  not  depend   You lack something being a Vincentian   For seminarians, while still in
         on the Lord Jesus who went up the hill,   and you are just like a good social worker.   formation, they have to observe and
         healing.  We  are  supposed  to  be,  first,   What makes you really a Vincentian, is   learn the Vincentian life. First, learn
 “Gusto ko nang umuwi.” [I want to   evangelizers in words and actions. If we   not only that you are working for the poor   what good things you can get and go on
                                                                               with the formation. Second, you have to
                                            and  organizing  them,  but  you  are  there
         do not possess those, we will not become
 go home.] These words I usually uttered   Harmonious relationship is quite a   you to be. In community, you will still   good  Vincentians.  We  have  to  be  poor   praying for the community and doing   look for the silver lining in every person.
 when I felt the pressure of seminary   cliché for impossibility. With different   argue with your brothers and will   in whatever mission we have and at the   personal prayer even if you are tired,    This means, that you have to look for the
 life. My decision of responding to   backgrounds, attitudes, upbringing   continue  to have  misunderstanding.   same time practicing the virtues. The   and  you  have  to  pray  for  yourself  and   goodness in a person, because there you
 the  call  was  not  really clear for  me   and intentions of seminarians,   In your daily seminarian life, you   virtue that we emphasize is not only the   for other people. For St. Vincent, prayer   can find so much in them instead of being
 as of now. At times I felt the doubt   harmony  may  seem  like  a  dream.  I   will still experience a lot of moments   Spirituality of St. Vincent but also for us   was so important that all his children   scandalized. Learn what is good and avoid
 in my decision especially when I   better look at it as understanding   where you are dragging your feet to   his followers. It is not just an ordinary   imitate him. Also the relationship   what is bad then practice the Vincentian
 tried to look back on my past life   the frailty of every person and   the chapel just to pray. And several   force but a spiritual force that really aids   with the community where St. Vincent   virtues of Simplicity, Humility, Meekness,
 which is more often than not a life of   complementing it with your own   instances that you created your   us to move forward and to be able to work   emphasizes the virtues of Humility and   Mortification,  and  Zeal.  Patience  and
 satisfaction... temporary satisfaction.   strengths.  This may take us to the   own sickness just to skip class and   for Christ and the community. Secondly,   simplicity which are the two are pillars of   prayer life are so important that we really
         as part of Vincentian spirituality, we have
                                            a Vincentian. The Challenge we have now
                                                                               have to pray whether we like it or not.
 Living in a seminary is hard. A lot   same destination but it will not assure   sleep. Are these parts of the journey   to be involved in the mission and if you   as  Vincentians  is  not  the  lack  of  prayer

 of adjustment, “pakikisama”, and tons   us of the same path to take. We are   important, I still believe yes, they are!  cannot go on a mission, involve yourself   or lack of money in the community but   In maintaining the Charism and
 individuals who are unique in every
 of patience. The situation wherein   way, different from each other which     As  we  are  being  formed,  these   in the seminary formation that is part   how to cope amidst challenges and the   Spirituality, one of my personal Strengths
 you  will  sleep  with  your  brothers  in   can lead to conflicts and struggles.  frictions  will  help  us smoothen  our   of the spirituality of St. Vincent de Paul.   changing world in maintaining our vows.  is the devotion to the Blessed Virgin

 a common dormitory, take a shower      edges and be malleable to formation.   We always emphasize that we    In this generation, it is very important   Mary. I became a priest because of
                                                                               the Blessed Mother and my devotion
 together [though not within a single   Misunderstanding is a common   We might feel pain and low self-esteem   Vincentians have two feet. One foot is   that we have to maintain our Charism and   to the miraculous medal. Without
 cubicle], eat together, pray together   ground for conflict and heated   but this is just but a part of chipping off   Vincentian and the other foot diocesan.   Spirituality. Priests and brothers are being   her, I will never be what I am now.
 and more of togetherness. Sometimes   arguments in our batch. We tend to   our unvalued part exposing the jewel   That means we are Diocesan in action   trained for many years in the ways and
 I get fed up with their indifferences,   tackle issues that seemingly are rooted   that lies beneath it. And if you are   but Religious in Spirituality and in   life of St. Vincent. The most important
 individualistic attitude and more so   in misunderstanding of both parties.   still in doubt of Gods’ plan for you...   community life. We need to be in a   in  our  community  is  how  each  one  can
 of  their competitiveness especially   He may take your action differently   maybe it is time to drink “Patience   community that is why we live together,   learn to live the Vincentian Spirituality
 when it comes to task and study.   when correcting him in his ways   Pill” so as to gain ton of patience.   and pray together. We are Secular, because   and Charism. Sometimes we are affected
 But what can I do, I need to live   and as a result he will point out to   For Gods’ time is not our time and   we get involved in the parishes, work in   by our country’s situation, but we should
 with them... to be in a community.   you your own wrongdoings. And the   this only means if you have the desire   the missions, and involve with the people   not  get  lost.  The  true  Vincentian  knows

         that’s why we are always with the people.
                                            how to manage in changing his attitudes,
 Struggles are part of the formation   cycle of pointing fingers to who is the   to go home then you should stay. By   That will be the mission all the time   which  is  the  most  important  thing  in
 means of this, your perseverance
 most wronged seems to be endless.
 and it should be taken as a formative      shall be tested and your intentions   for a Vincentian. Priests have different   our vocation. We Vincentian priests and
 tool. A formandus should use it as   The list of different kinds of   will be purified. Now... the question   visions, but that is very basic. Even if we   brothers are known in the way we live,
 shaping  and sharpening  instrument   conflicts will go on and on. But the   is  “Gusto mo na bang umuwi?”    have different visions, we have only one   the way we preach, how we talk, the
         common mission and that is to evangelize
                                            way  we  treat  people  and  we  are  being
 to hone his personality  and be a   question is “Do you want to go home   the prisoners, the sick, and many others   recognized by those qualities we possess
 better person. However, to attain such   now?” Are you ready to give up your   and this is our very spirituality. Another   because that is our mark or stamp. One
 paradigm means he should be mature   priestly vocation and deviate to   is prayer life. If you are a Vincentian, you   that marks us for being a Vincentian is
 enough to balance his heightened   another vocation? Doubt is inevitable   work hard and if you do not pray, then you   not  just  to  live  poverty  but  also  to live
 emotion. With the hardship in attaining   and oftentimes you will question your   are not really a Vincentian. We have to be   in generosity. This means that we also
 this kind of paradigm, homogeneity   vocation.  You will continue to ask   prayerful, we have to pray all the time and   have to give in many different ways.

 of our relationship is far from reality.   yourself if truly this is what God called   this is more practical than anything else.
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