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Marian Poem                                          /      Story of                                                         Religiosity

                                                               Marian Devotion

                    “Inuusig man sa buhay na ito                                                                                    a nd                                                                BY: SEM. JOSIAH DUKE
                 Tulungan mo ako ng makayanan ko                     BY: SEM. MARVIN MANIMTIM                                                    C reativity                                                    DONDOYANO
                Hanggang sa magwakas magtitiis ako
                   Hindi ako uurong at di susuko.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       of its transcendent value and its aura
                                                                                                                                   I have always been fascinated by
                   I may be persecuted in this life                                                                              different works of art, and most of                                   of mystery.” (12) The great Pope cited
                 Help me that I may pass through it                                                                              all by religious art. My early exposure                               that  having  artistic  talents is  a  call
                     Up to the end I will endure                                                                                 to different sources of artworks were                                 for propagating aesthetics as well as
                   I will not retreat and surrender                                                                              Encyclopedias, various religious                                      the proclamation of the gospel.
                      -Sem. Lance Estor’s Poem                                                                                   articles, Images and Paintings hung                                      Art for me is a creative viewpoint
                                                                                                                                 on the walls of our house. One of                                     that can be applied in evangelization.
             “Ave Maria!”, “Gratia Plena!”. Ito ang mga                                                                          my earliest memories of Church art                                    It must be utilized properly for
            salitang pumukaw sa akin upang magkaroon                                                                             would be the time I was old enough to                                 the propagation of faith as it is
            ng malalim na debosyon at ugnayan sa kanya.                                                                          join my parents in their yearly Visita                                an effective tool of  expression
            These are the words that inspired me to have a                                                                       Iglesia every Maundy Thursday. It                                     and communication. Using it for
                                                                                                                                                                      As requirement for our dream
            strong devotion and relationship to her. - Sem.                                                                      was actually one of my favorite events   project in third year, I actually created   goodness  is actually  replicating the
                                                                                                                                 of the year together with Christmas
                  Marvin Manimtim.Marian Story                                                                                   and my Birthday. We would visit 14   a  coffee  table  book  which  encases   great act of God’s creation story
                                                                                                                                                                                                       as we were made in His image and
                                                                                   The   Marian     poem    and                  different churches around Manila   the different religious art forms of   likeness (Gen. 1:26).
                                                                                                                                                                    the Visayas, mainly from Cebu and
                                                                                Marian    story   showed    how                  in one day, praying the “Way of the   Bohol. During my research and visit   I am also trying  my best  to
                                                                                                                                 Cross” and saying the rosary while
            As    part   of   propagating    the highest amount of money        important the role of Mama Mary                  proceeding  to  the  next  church.  It   to the museums, I was stuck in awe   promote religiosity in the internet
          devotion  to Our Lady of the       from the donation box would be     is in the life of every seminarian               was tiring and repetitive for a child   to see and appreciate the religious art   domain. The innovation in the world
                                                                                                                                                                                                       of Social Media opens an opportunity
          Miraculous Medal, the Spiritual    the winner. The stories were being   in  this  seminary  formation.  As             of not yet seven, but I remember   works  produced by  Filipino  hands.   for the church on making the Word
          Ministry of St. Vincent Seminary   judged by some  priests and the    stated in most of their stories even             being raptly fascinated by the sacred   One can really say that these images   of God viral to attain a larger scope
          headed  by  Sem.  Kempee  Llorico   spiritual ministry head.          before living inside the seminary                icons  and  images  that  decorate  the   are made out of piety and artistry.   of audience. Hence, making the
          made an activity in line with the                                     every seminarian had already                     high ceiling and hallowed halls of   This moved me to reflect that    Gospel available to anyone in the
                                                                                                                                                                    Filipinos  are  really  blessed  and  full
                                               After  some  weeks  and  the
                                                                                                                                 worship. “Behave”, my parents would
          celebration of the feast of Our    celebration of the feast of Our    special devotion to the Blessed                  reprimand me every time I would    of grace. Thus, I entitled the book as   web. Graphic design is a great tool in
          Lady last November 2018. It was                                       Mother.  This  devotion  led  them               display signs of edginess, “you are   Puno ka sa Grasya, coining the words   upholding evangelization as sharing
          a contest among the seminarians    Lady of the Miraculous Medal       in having a strong relationship                  in the House of God”. Surrounded   of the Angel to the Blessed Mother as   in social media is just one click away.
          of SVS in making a Poem and        the Spiritual Ministry came        with Jesus and to follow him in                  by all those religious treasures, I was   well as to point out the blessedness   By using these creative mediums,
          Personal Marian Story in honor of   up with the decision as to the    the path to priesthood. Seminary                 certain that time, God was indeed   of the Filipinos through their talents   I am actually doing visually what
          Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal.   best poem and story about the     life is a journey of discernment                 loved by his people.               and devotion.                      Christ commanded us to go and
                                             Blessed Mother. The winners
          This activity aimed to propagate                                      to the calling of God. The path                    After my high school studies,      The late pope and now Saint John   make disciples (Matt. 28:19).
          devotion to the Blessed Mother     were announced last January 13,    is not easy and it requires a lot                I  entered  a  formation  house  in   Paul II the great once said in his letter
          and to know her more through       2019. The best poem award was      of patience. But on our journey,                 Cebu and was able to enroll in the   to artists; “In order to communicate
          creative ways. All the seminarians   given to the piece of Sem. Lance   there is a heavenly mother, the                University of San Carlos’ School of   the  message  entrusted  to  her  by
          were involved and were free to     Estor with the title “Aasa sa Awa’t   Mother that was given to us by                Architecture, Fine Arts, and Design.   Christ, the Church needs art. Art
                                             Rosaryo Mo Ina”, while the best
          write their own poems and stories                                     her Son while He was hanging on                  As an art student, I understood that   must make perceptible, and as far as
          to be submitted and displayed      story was given to Sem. Marvin     the cross to be the mother of all.               these images show, among others,   possible attractive, the world of the
          in Sanctuario de San Vicente       Manimtim. An additional award      The Blessed Virgin  Mary is also                 the role of faith. Art can help faith   spirit, of the invisible, of God. It must
          Parish. Some guidelines were       was also given to the poem of      the queen of all vocation that will              to flourish. Art points one’s senses   therefore translate into meaningful
          made by the spiritual ministry     Sem. Bernard Balberan with the     always guide us to the call where                and mind to the Divine, somehow    terms that which is in itself ineffable.
                                             title “Best Mama Ever”, and this
          to determine winners or the best                                      we belong. We just need to follow                connecting the space between       Art has a unique capacity to take one
                                                                                                                                                                    or other facet of the message and
                                                                                                                                 the  Unlimited  and  limited.  In  an
          among the poems and stories.       poem was also put in Papag the     to where she is pointing and that                assertive sense, these images connect   translate it into colours, shapes and
          All the poems were displayed       official publication of St. Vincent   is no other than her son Jesus. Oh            Christ and the devotees, saints and   sounds which nourish the intuition
          in the Parish together  with the   School of Theology.                Mary conceived without sin, pray                 sinners.                           of those who look or listen. It does so
          donation boxes. Whoever earned                                        for us who have recourse to you!                                                    without emptying the message itself

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