Page 58 - Vinscientiana2019
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The Challenge to                                                                                                         NEWS BITS                     Christmas  Party

                                                                                                                                                                      in the Prison
          Evangelize                                                                                                                                              BY: SEM. MARVIN MANIMTIM

           in Social Media

                                                                                                                                                                                                       the SVS seminarians they shared
                                                                               BY: SEM. ALDRIENE BALMES
                                                                                                                                                                                                       their beautiful voices by singing
                                                                                reflect and discover its relevance                                                                                     some Christmas Carols. Every one
                                                                                to our vocation and make some                                                                                          enjoyed and it was reflected in
                                                                                actions. If not all, many of us                                                                                        their faces.

                                                                                seminarians have social media                     “Remember those who are
                                                                                accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and              in prison, as though in prison                                           Having this kind of apostolate
                                                                                Instagram. People need someone to               with them, and those who are                                           made us realize how it is to be in the
                                                                                inspire them and we seminarians                 mistreated, since you also are in the   pleasing in the eyes of God. After   prison together with the prisoners
                                                                                are invited to inspire others by                body.” Hebrew 13:3                 the celebration of the Holy Mass    and sharing with them a little
                                                                                sharing the Gospel. Yes, we are                   Together  with  the  different   they proceeded to the program that   help that for them is already a big
                                                                                invited also by the social media                Church  organizations  and  private   was prepared for the prisoners.   blessing. The feeling of fulfillment
                                                                                to send and proclaim Good News                  donors, the St. Vincent Seminary   Happy and smiling face’s filled     after spending a moment with
                                                                                just like Jesus and His apostles.               seminarians  headed  by  their     the jail during the whole program.   them made them happy despite
          (Screenshot from We Speak Live of Almusalita by Fr. Luciano Felloni, Episode 15, dated March 9, 2019)  As a part of the Almusalita team   director Rev. Fr. Joselito Sarabia   All the inmates participated in   their condition inside the jail.
           Before Jesus was taken up to     News is very easy. However, since  on Facebook with thousands of                    CM, joined the special Christmas   the program and all were very       Before we only saw this kind of
         heaven, he appeared to his eleven   everyone is entitled to share their  followers and subscribers from all            Program     organized   by    the  active in sharing their talents.    apostolate in the magazine and
         apostles and said to them, “Go     ideas, judgments, and prejudices,  over the world, I am privileged to               Restorative Justice organization   There were prepared games for       news. Now it became a reality for
         throughout the whole world and     many posts in social media are  do  some  actions  by  reaching  out                of the Diocese of Cubao for the    everybody and surprise gifts for the   us to be with them. It is really a
         preach the gospel to all mankind”   getting chaotic and uncertain.  throughout the whole world with                    prisoners in the Quezon City Jail   winners. During the games all were   different  experience  that  inspired
         (Mk 16:15). The apostles paired    We may never know who’s telling  the help of social media to preach                 last December 14, 2019. The event   really happy because of the active   us more to pursue our vocation.
         themselves and finished their      the truth, not unless we become  the Gospel to all. It is really an                 was part of the weekly apostolate of   participation of every inmate. After   Their simple act of gratitude to
         mission successful with limited    critical about the posts. Fake news  honor for me to continue Christ’s              SVS seminarians but this program   the games, the seminarians and the   us was one of the best gifts we
         resources. The same mission        is getting prevalent, arguments  mission and make the word of God                   was  something  special  because   other volunteer groups started to   received last Christmas. The reality
         of evangelization  goes with us,   instead of intellectual dialogues  viral.                                           it is a season of giving before the   give  their  gifts  for  everyone.  The   of God who became  man for all

         seminarians.  Considering    our   are widespread. Hatred instead                                                      Christmas season.                  St. Vincent Seminary through the    sinners was realized in having an
         resources today, what more can     of acceptance is perceived. Vanity    Let us not wait for our                                                          generosity of a benefactor was      apostolate in the prison. In many
         we do? We have easy access to the   instead of humility and selflessness   ordination to evangelize. Let us              The program started with the     able  to give pairs of  slippers  and   ways, the prisoners were a blessing
         internet which helps us to reach the   is observed. We tend to forget   not be afraid to  be criticized or             Holy  Mass  presided  by  Rev.  Fr.   some underwear for the inmates.   for us as we, their fellow sinners
         whole world through social media.  that the kernel of social media is   bashed in social media just because            Tony Moreno, SJ the parish priest   The other church organizations     were also a blessing to them.

                                                                                we share the Gospel. Our chance
           Nowadays, social media is one    to communicate, to have someone     to fulfill Christ’s mission is already          of the Sacred Heart Parish together   and private donor gave groceries
                                                                                                                                with Fr. Bong as concelebrant
         of the most accessible means       (from afar) to understand our       at the tips of our fingers. We just             priest. Fr. Bong shared a homily   and other important needs for the
                                                                                                                                                                   inmates. To share the talents of
         of   communication.    We    can   thoughts  or  feelings,  and  to  send   have to reflect and remember               focused on the hope of everybody

         easily send a message directly or   good news.                         that the Holy Spirit is within us               as prisoners of our own sinfulness.
         indirectly to the people we want        Before, seminarians were only  just like the apostles who started              According to him the joy and the
         to. Every post in our social media   often seen holding their breviary  their mission when the Holy Spirit             giving that were brought by the
         account can be liked, shared, or   and  rosary  to  be  called  good  descended upon them.  Let’s have                 season of  Christmas  is a sign  of
         tagged once it strikes the person   formands. But nowadays, we  the courage to evangelize the Good                     hope for all of us. We hope to be
         seeing it and possibly could       seminarians are tolerated to hold  News through social media and                    nourished and changed as we hear
         become viral. Through this, we     our gadgets as well to be informed  inspire our friends and followers               the word of God. Do not be afraid
         can say that spreading the Good    about the current issues. We then  to do the same.                                  to change for what is good and

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