Page 54 - Vinscientiana2019
P. 54

Editorial                                                                  BY: SEM. ARVIN ZARSATA

          Shaken  yet  Firm

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        PHOTO: RAPPLER
                 The Catholic Church being the largest religion in the
          Philippines and comprises about 86% of the population recently,
          faces new challenges with the current Duterte administration. The                                PHOTO: RAPPLER
          President has become the primary opponent and critic of the Church,                                                                            In about six months from December 2017-June 2018, 3
          especially its clergy and the bishops. Many church officials are                                                                       priests were killed in separate incidents. On Dec. 4, 2017,
          against the President’s “War on Drugs” that killed thousands of                                                                        Fr. MarcelitoPaez, 72, was shot dead by motorcycle-riding
          lives. As a consequence of this condemnation of the killings by                                                                        men while he was driving his vehicle in Jaen town, Nueva
          the church officials, the President himself blatantly attacked the                                                                     Ecija province. On April 29, 2018, Fr. Mark Anthony Ventura,
          church in return, exposing some scandals done by some priests and                                                                      37,  was  gunned  down  in Gattaran  town,  Cagayan  province
          even urging bystanders to kill bishops. The Catholic Church in                                                                         after saying the mass.On June 10, Fr. Richmond Nilo of the
          the Philippines experiences a verbal persecution from the current                                                                      Diocese of Cabanatuan, 40, was shot by unidentified men at
          president that could deliberately encourage more crimes against                                                                        Nuestra Señora de la Nieve Chapel in Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija,
          priests. Because of this attack, some clergy have been silenced                                                                        according to the provincial police. This is the first incident
          to death, and death threats have been received by some Clerics                                                                         in history that priests were killed in a span of six months.
          who courageously protest publicly the current administration’s
          Policies. Priests and bishops lives are being put into jeopardy.                                                                               On March 11, 2019 at the St. Vincent School of Theology
          As vulnerable servants of God and of the people, Priests have been                                                                     (SVST),Fathers Albert Alejo, Robert Reyes, and Flavie
          hurt by those issues thrown to them by the President.                                                                                  Villanueva held a press conference to expose death threats
                                                                                                                                                 against them under President Rodrigo Duterte’s watch. The
                 The Catholic Church in the Philippines should not be silent.                                                                    three priest, united themselves to come out amidst threats
          Speaking during a Sunday Angelus in St. Peter Square, Pope Francis                                                                     in their lives. They courageously exposed text messages
          invited the faithful not to“remain deaf and dumb” in the face of                                                                       of death threats on themselves and on Bishops Ambo David
          the suffering of people marked by disease, anguish and difficulties.                                                                   and Socrates Villegas.They called on other bishops and
          It is therefore an invitation  that the Church officials  in the                                                                       priests to unite and condemn killings and death threats.
          Philippines should not be afraid but rather unite and work as one
          to STOP the killings and persecution of the least, the lost and                                                                                It  appears  that  the  President  wants  the  Catholic
          the last who are the most vulnerable in the “War on Drugs”. There                                                                      Church, its clergy and bishops in particular who publicly
          is a need also for seminarians, active religious communities,                                                                          condemn these killings, to step back and be silent about
          and lay people to go out of their comfort zone, to be courageous                                                                       his “War on Drugs’’ that resulted in thousands of death
          enough amidst threats in their lives, to defend the Church and                                                                         without due process. The Catholic Clergy and Bishops are
          uplift the morals and faith of the Filipino people.                                                                                    firm in their position to defend their flock in spite of the
                                                                                                                                                 many tirades against its clergy and Catholic doctrines.
                 From July 1, 2016 to September 30, 2018, there were about                                              PHOTO: RAPPLER
          4,948 suspected drug users killed during the police operation,                                                                                 It’s definitely time for Catholic Bishops, Clergy,
          according to the Philippines Enforcement Agency (PDEA). This                                                                           Seminarians, active Religious communities, and lay
          report does not include thousands of others killed by unidentified                                                                     persons to act now and not be afraid to protect
          gunmen. Since the “War on Drugs” began, there are 22,983 deaths                                                                        the Church and its ministers.We  can move on in our
          classified as “homicide under investigation” according to the                                                                          mission and can stand firm as disciples by helping the
          Philippine National Police.                                                                                                            widows and orphans who are victims of this Drug War.

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