Page 51 - Vinscientiana2019
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In the current situation of the Catholic nourished and given priority. There is no seminary formation is the Pastoral
Church today, a lot of priest are being seminarian without personal struggles, formation. Here, the SVS is known for
accused of sexual abuse and many others but a seminarian deeply rooted in prayer its Charism through pastoral ministry.
also left their priesthood for some will surely stand a midst vocation crisis in The seminarians are taught to live the
personal reasons. The Catholic Church the seminary. Vincentian way of life, the life dedicated
is being challenged now a days on how to helping the poor through the example of
it will handle those cases especially in Another more important dimension St. Vincent de Paul. As part of the Pastoral
the United States and Europe. In the in the seminary formation is Human formation, seminarians are exposed to
Philippines, issues on a priest with abuses Formation, and this has to be emphasized different pastoral ministries. They are
maybe somehow unattended, I mean here in this generation in every seminary. The given assignments and responsibilities like
that the Church Authorities still not able world has become so materialistic to planning activities, preparing food for the
to handle it. As a seminarian, seeing all of the extent that they become more and poor, and scheduled visits to the prison.
these issues in the religion that I belong, more egocentric and are afraid of giving The seminarians reached-out to the
upsets me. The wounds of the church, its up one’s life in the service of the church. marginalized and experienced with them
pains and shameful experiences penetrate Candidates entering seminaries are really some of those are going to the prison,
into my heart. As a seminarian, I too, I struggling adapting to seminary life assisting the victims of Extra Judicial
am on the road to the priesthood and because of the life style they had in the Killing (EJK), gift giving to the homeless
this urges me to reflect on the status of world. The world has drastically changed and those in the streets and many others.
the Philippine Clergy of today. There are with its views and philosophy that affect Pastoral formation helps seminarians
many questions that come into my mind, the psychological and emotional state of become passionate to the poor and the
such as, how is the status of the seminary the youth of today. It is now a challenge needy. It forms them to become more truly
formation in the Philippines? Are there for seminaries on how this Human human to others, encourage concerns and
still seminaries that produce holy or good formation will be implemented and develop initiative to help the poorest of the
priests? achieved. The SVS in addressing the need poor. Pastoral formation is very important
for Human formation, has made a lot of for the priesthood. Priestly life should not
The very vital and crucial stage of psychological sessions with the help of only focus on giving sacraments, but also
priestly formation starts at the Seminary. psychologists and other experts in the on caring for the least, the lost and the
Seminary as the term implies comes from field of psychology. It is very important last.
the Latin word semen meaning “seed” that every seminarian has to be free from
and seminary or seminarium meaning emotional and psychological baggage As a seminarian, we also need a
“seed plot”. Seminary is a place where wither coming from his family, the mother, and Mary has made many Holy
men aspiring for priesthood are being environment or other factors that affected Priests in the history of the church. I
planted like a seed in order to grow, him from the time he got his consciousness personally add Marian formation as the
nourished and cultivated in the ground of and awareness. More often, these baggage 5th dimension that would also inculcate
the 4 dimensions of seminary formation affects the seminarian’s seminary life each seminarian towards purity and
as proposed in Pastores DaboVobis (I especially when those personal issues charity. In this generation full of malice
Shall Give You Shepherds) and is clearly are not addressed. Issues that were not and deception, Marian life is necessary,
described in the Ratio Fundamentalis processed lead to behavioral problems that each seminarian learns in the school
Institutionis Sacerdotalis 2016 which even after ordination to the priesthood. of Mary the mother of the High Priest.
namely are the Spiritual, Human, Responsibilities were also given to If only priests and seminarians love
Intellectual, and Pastoral Formation. seminarians to run the seminary routines the Immaculate and lived a Marian life
These 4 dimensions are like the 4 gospels
authentically, I think they will always
as part of the human formation so that
“Seminary Formation: that complement each other andeach each one becomes mature and responsible. walk in the right path with Mary as their
guiding star. If I Follow Mary who told
has its own views and approach but still
SVS is dedicated to human formation not
the apostles “do whatever He (Jesus) tells
only psychological aspect but also values
pointing to one, Jesus Christ.
formation of every seminarians with the
you” I will surely arrive in my journey, for
The Saint Vincent de Paul Seminary
A Challenge for Seminaries (SVS) is a place where everyone is help of those experts in this field. I know that the surest path to Jesus is His
exposed to the 4 fundamental dimensions
Another dimension of seminary
of seminary formation. The Spiritual
We seminarians should bear always in
formation is the Intellectual formation
formation is rich with many activities that fosters seminarians in dealing with mind, that to be in the seminary is not to
of this Generation” recollection, adoration with benediction, to study hard in order to gain knowledge in following Jesus Christ and living each
pursue a career for priesthood, but it is
the whole year. Many activities such as
Academics. Seminarians are encouraged
in philosophy which will help them in
the liturgy of the hours, Holy Mass,
day like Christ, with Christ, in Christ
Spiritual direction, meditation and
confession are the source of strength of theological studies and also hone their and for Jesus Christ that makes one truly
a seminarian. As a human being, we have
way of thinking and reasoning. There
the seminarians. It is very vitalfor the is a regular class and seminarians are limitations and weaknesses and the four
BY: SEM. ARVIN ZARSATA seminarians to be exposed to the spiritual enrolled under the Adamson University. Pillars of seminary formation strengthens
life not only formed but live with it as The SVS seminary is purely dedicated to us despite of our vulnerability so that
they would be future priest and a priest seminarians studying philosophy and most we can traverse in this journey towards
should be a man of prayer. A seminarian of the candidates are young professionals. Priesthood with Mary as our Guide.
should realize that he is not just a pure
body but also has soul that needs to be The last of the four dimensions of
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