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Stories andSharings                                                                                                        The Story of Caroline Found

        Summer                                                                            BY: SEM. KEMPEE                       Changed Me                                 BY: SEM. RC LAGAMAYO

                                                                                                                                An intimate reflection dedicated to:
        ‘’Flowers Bloom most Beautifully during Drought Season’’                                                                The Miracle Season Author; Ms. Kathy, the Father of Line; Mr. Ernie Found,
                                                                                                                                To all the Casts, the IOWA City West Volleyball Team and to all people who love Line,
           As I go back to the seminary this   My seminary formation inspiration   down  to appreciation of oneself and the
         formation  year,  I  bring  with  me  myself,   for this year will be a life more rooted in   affirmation that we are loved no matter   Tonight,  I  am  inspired  to  write   briefly her legacy to her team and to   people whom I am acquainted with?
         stronger, braver and daring, far enough   prayers and a trusting heart in the grace   how messed up we are. She further added   my awesome reflection on a movie   the people. I was personally touched   How can I let the day pass without
         from the one who is afraid and bitter.   and will of God.              to take a look again on the other side of        that captivated me, eventually     when Coach Kathy requested all the   creating  happiness for  myself  and
         Secure enough with my strengths and                                    the situation and not only focus on what         and unexpectedly changed me. We    audiences to acquaint, make peace,   to others? This movie  transformed
         limitations and I come contented with the   Being exposed to people from all walks   is ill but try to find something good in   watched it last March 2, 2019. The   and smile to one another. This thing   me; this is certainly a challenge and
         gifts given to me. But more than that, this   and facets of life has made me become   it. Another task was to maintain inner   title is Miracle Season, a story of   is what Line usually does, to reach   something to be hoped for.
         is Kempee Llorico, who was formed out of   a well rounded person and has brought   peace  despite  the  raging environment,   a person in the name of Caroline   out to people and fill them with
         love and always in love in everything he   out really the best in me. I have faithfully   to compose oneself and keep it secure   Found. She was the ace, the soul, and   happiness. This scene made me cry.   Happy living is a fulfilling one
         does.                              attended to all parish schedules and   in spite of harsh forces around you. I                                                                              because one creates happy thoughts
                                            participated actively in every activity. I   was able to share personally about my   the heart of their volleyball team.   How can a single person leave such
           The  four  months  of  vacation  and   was given a chance to offer talks to the   sentiments with my mother, and she made   She was a very nice person, happy,   kind of legacy?            with others; they feel the love,
         summer program went so fast and    youth, lay ministers, and some of the parish   me realize how my mother truly loves me   enthusiastic, jolly, warm, reaching,   The story ended with the team   appreciation, and the value of their
         unnoticed, but it was filled with so   ministries that the parish priest entrusted   so much. At the end of the session, she   loving, optimistic, proactive etc...   filled, inspired and blessed that once   lives. I believe I haven’t reached this
         much grace and fruitful learnings and   to me. As I journey with these people, I   challenged me, being a future minister of   To name it all, she is one of a kind   they had Caroline Found (Line)   stage yet, this movie triggered me to
         reflections, that assisted me in my journey   noticed  something  admirable  in  them   the church, to effect change and to stand   person who makes other people                             make an action and to do, to change
         towards self-renewal and healing. My   their tireless dedication and generosity   up for something I have to fight, most   happy and performs at their best. In   who changed their lives, and it was   my way of living, reach out to people,
         summer  program  was  a  full  package  of   to the parish, in spite of their personal   especially the issues and concerns that our                       certainly  amazing. Even  until now   do affirmation, smile, to create
         parish exposure, music classes, counseling   inadequacies. This really encouraged me   church and priests are facing now. Feeling   my real life, I never met a person like   the legacy of Caroline on how to live   joy and to live life to the fullest by
         sessions, a Trappist retreat and family   and made me ask myself, “What could   challenged, I vowed myself to become an   her  and  never think  that  a  person   life still flourishes and inspires a lot   initiating a harmonious and happy
         integration.                       someone like me, a struggling, feeble   effective and affective minister someday.    like her existed.                  of people.                         ambiance wherever I go. Certainly
                                            seminarian offer to these people?” When I
           I spent a month and a week to be   am confronted with my own inadequacies,   For now,  I need to concentrate on my      The  saddest  part  of  the  story                                  I  believe  it is  really  something  for
         exact at home with my family the longest   it is never a reason to stop doing good and   formation in preparation for that.  is when she died in a motorcycle   Personal Reflection           me, I love it very much, I cried for
         stay I had with them so far.  I enjoyed   sharing yourself to them. Instead I can   I had a three day retreat at the Trappist   accident. Her death caused a lot of                           it, this is one of the most wonderful
         sharing meals with them daily, helping   capitalize on it, take inspiration from   monastery. After a hectic, dizzying parish   pain to the person  near and far to   At first, I can immediately relate   messages I`ve ever had.
         in the garden and household chores,   it, and entrust the rest to the Lord. This   activity schedule and intense exposure, I   her, to her parents, her best friend, to   the scene to personal relationship.
         managing  the  poultry  and  spending   became  my  very  driving  force for  the   felt the need to slow down, reflect how I   her team and to the people whom she   It’s like, how wonderful it is to have   I am thankful to God for this
         quality time together at home and our   whole exposure and helped me to give my   have been so far, refresh and recharge, and   was acquainted with.  It personally   a companion, a wife, or a child with   blessing  and  enlightenment.
         sporadic travels, something that I have   best self to the people. In return, when   have time for myself. I was able to ponder                            her kind of personality. I said this is   Knowing myself, I think it would
         never done with them, since I’m far from   people felt your service sweetened with   how essential it is for me to also pamper   created a pain in me and I don’t   what I am looking for and ultimately   take a little while to manifest it but
         them. My nightly conversations with papa   love, it is then that healthy relationships   myself in order to get back refreshed and   know why. Trying to move on, the   such kind of person will make me   I am hopeful to live with the purest
         was really amazing,  for I discovered so   blossomed.                  have enough time having an intimate              volleyball  team did  continue their   happy in my life. Nevertheless I   love and affection for others. The
         much commonalities between us and                                      moment and conversation with the Lord.           volleyball battle in honouring Line as                                Lord is the best. He is not forsaking
         my “ pa anga” moments with Nanay was   My music class in guitar and voice was                                           their cause. As expected they found   recognized that it was a virtue and
         something so sweet that I felt like I was   really a breath of fresh air that made me   I can’t help but be very thankful and   it hard and they struggled. However,   hence it can be lived out even in the   us. He made me know this story to
         a 6 year old boy again when she would   so excited. I was the oldest in a class, of   appreciative  of  what  has  happened  and   they remembered the Legacy that   different  chosen vocations in  our   inspire others as well. Praying for all
         patiently  bring me food for recess during   children aged 7- 12. I really learned so much   how the Lord has really helped me get   Line gave them. They tried once   lives. Even in the seminary context, a   to be happy, to share joy, to live life
         school breaks. But the most remarkable   from these little classmates of mine, and   through a rough and difficult journey   more. How can a happy and blessed   seminarian can live like Line.  just like what Line did. I hope that
         incident during my summer vacation was   enjoyed every session despite difficulties,   lately. His grace and mercy is overflowing.   person die? (This is my word).                           more and more people will LIVE
         when my younger sister passed the BAR   pressures, and tensions galore. Their joyful   Truly, there is grace in pain and suffering,                          I was just so amazed and it strikes   LIKE LINE.
         exams which brought the family really   laughter  and  appreciative,  loving  nature   and from the grace rooted in love, you   Having the inspiration to live like   me a lot that a person can share
         close and united in prayer.        were genuine and worth imitating. Their   become a more sincere reflection of        Line, they won a lot of games and   happiness to others, a thing that I   This Movie is indeed a Miracle,
                                            trusting dependence and obedience spoke   Christ’s presence in the people you meet,                                     never did. I am like a selfish boy who   a miracle in my heart that surely
           The  adage that  goes  “the  family  that   to us adults, who sometimes become   for you have become one with Christ in   eventually made it to the Finals. It
         prays together stays forever” was an   so dependent on ourselves and effort,   His passion and in His promised glory.   was indeed a Miracle Season where   receives rather than gives. When I   taught me how to live with love.
         apt description for our family. Trying   ignoring God’s assistance.    This renewed strength and love for my            they won the Championship Game.    realized how Caroline lived her life
         moments like this moved my family                                      vocation will be my very treasure this year      Before the final match began, the   at some point, I asked myself “Am I
         to commune in prayer and to be one in   My counseling sessions with Ma’am   as I face the hurdles ahead confident and   whole people in the court honoured   that cruel?” How can I live my life
         faith. When everything else failed, there is   Mylene was also a refreshing experience.   brave because I know so well, that there is   the amazing person (Line) as her   in  a very  ordinary  way not  sharing
         only one thing we can always hold on to   After discussing my current concerns   a God, who is patient with me and doesn’t   coach; Kathy Bresnahan narrated   happiness and good vibes with the
         prayers.                           and situation, she advised that it all boils   get tired of loving every single part of me.

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