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Com-vym svs unit:
 NEWS BITS:  Saint Vin cent De Paul

        BY: SEM. PETER MINH TRIEU                          The apostle of
 Going Fo rth to Se rve                                        the Holy Spirit

 BY: SEM. ARVEL PAM ANTHONY CUI  In Saint Luke 4:18, the   charism. Saint Vincent de Paul   Living the fifth century of the
         fundamental text for Vincent        spoke about the action of the      Vincentian charism is a propitious
 “To Jesus through Mary!” every   c.  Facilitated the Creative   de Paul, Jesus affirmed at the   Holy Spirit: “When one speaks of   time for the Vincentian family to
 Child of  Mary utters.  This Year   prayer stations during the NCR   beginning of his public ministry   the  Spirit  working  in  someone,   participate in the dynamics of
 the  whole  Children  of  Mary-   Recollection and Reception at   Seminary  Unit  strives  hard  in   the following:  The Spirit of the   that is, the Holy Spirit, while   the ongoing transformation: live
 Vincentian Marian Youth (CoM-  the National Shrine of the Our   building a community where the   Lord is upon me, because he has   dwelling in them, gives them the   in loving kindness with the poor,
 VMY) Philippines celebrate its   Lady of the Miraculous Medal in   two-fold  aims  of  the  association   anointed me to bring glad tidings   same this tendency and temper to   to listen to their cry, to become
 150th  year  of  existence.  Various   Sucat, Paranaque last November   is fostered: To honor Mary (Self   to the poor. For this reason, Luke   make him act like God, I do not   renewed in the mystical and
 activities were prepared for this   10, 2018.  Sanctification)  and  to  let  others   also presented the Holy Spirit as   say a perfection like the Lord, but   charitable inspiration of Vincent
 momentous  occasion  which  honor her (Sanctification of   tongues of fire on the Apostles   according to the level of the gift   and Paul, and finally, in the light
 were actively participated by   d.  Shared  the joy  with  the   others). Since time memorial, this   during the Pentecost (Acts 2: 3-4).   of the Spirit” (SV XII, 108).  of the Holy Spirit and the need
 the youthful seminarians of St.   whole COM family in thanking   Marian association, which was   The Spirit is the divine reality   for new history, to reaffirm that
 Vincent Seminary:     God for the 150 years of grace-  requested by the Blessed Mother   St.  Vincent  became  the  sharp
 filled mission and counting at the   herself through Sr. Catherine   that comes from God. In Jesus, the   instrument of the Holy Spirit for   the Spirit is the guide to our lives
 a.  Joined  the  Marian  Manila Cathedral last November   Laboure, DC, is nourished by the   Holy Spirit comes to empower his   the spirit of mission and charity.   and our mission.
 Conference with Rev. Fr. Teodoro   18, 2018. Together with the   outpouring graces of God and still   mission. It is the power to preach   The Vincentians should also be   Pentecost  transformed people
 Barquin, CM at the La Concordia   International President and Sub   goes forth in serving others living   the Gospel of the Messiah.  following that path of acting in   from timid to courageous,
 College, Manila last August 25,   director general.   up to the legacy and charism of   In 2017, We  celebrated the 400th   the Spirit. Therefore, it requires   fearful to strong, foolish to wise.
 2018.  St. Vincent de Paul. Hence, these   anniversary of the Vincentian
 e.  And in living out the   Aspirants of SVS are examples   Vincentians to be aware, to listen   Pentecost is the feast of new
 b.  Last November 8, 2018, in   spirit of a CoMer in serving the   charism. That was a time of   and to obey the Holy Spirit to live   people: new in thought, new in
 a  solemn  reception,  St.  Vincent   young, on Saturdays and Sundays   of a Child of Mary in living and   renewal and grace. In 1617 was the   the  Vincentian  spirit  in  today’s   language, new  in heart and new
 sharing one’s life to others.
 Seminary Unit receives 11 new   visiting the parish’ Kawans to give   year in which Vincent inspired   world.  in the passion for evangelization,
 CoM-VMY Senior Aspirants;   catechesis.   the Holy Spirit and obeyed the   The fifth century of the   new in will. The birth of this
 they are the Orientation Year 1   Holy Spirit in order to make a   Vincentian charism, we will   charism also made St. Vincent so
 and 2 in the Seminary Formation.    By participating and doing   radical change in his life.It was   continue to return to the sources   full of Holy Spirit in his mind, his
 Thus a newly organized COM   these activities,  St. Vincent   the same Spirit which inspired   and discover  the vitality of the   reason, his love, his language, and
 Unit under the NCR.   the Apostles to begin the public   Vincentian  charism,  deepen  his heart that it made him become
         mission of evangelization on                                           a new person for the poor.
         Pentecost. The Holy Spirit made     our experience of an encounter
         the apostles became courageous      with Christ who proclaims            May those who are following
         to proclaim the Gospel to every     the Gospel to the poor — a         in his footsteps and living from
         nation.                             necessary condition to experience   that same Spirit also be inspired
                                             the vitality of our vocation as    to preach the Gospel to the poor
            Vincent himself lived with a     Vincentians.  Let’s  see  the  new   and to live charity with all those
         new fervor after that first sermon   century of Vincentian charism     who are suffering.
         of the Mission at Folleville, made   is a time of grace for individuals
         him go on a mission to the poor.    and communities to recover the
         Vincent had become a man of the     charism’s vitality, to overcome
         Spirit. He followed the guidance    the misunderstandings of history,
         of the Holy Spirit, and today, we   reject the tired and boring. This is
         are living in the fifth century of   a time to be introduce this noble
         the Vincentian charism, the fruits   inheritance we have received from
         of the Holy Spirit have arisen      St. Vincent de Paul, and to do this
         abundantly in the Vincentian        creatively.

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