Page 4 - REVISTA 2A
P. 4

Do you know the                                  both  stimulating  the  same  part  of  the  brain.

                                                                This means sugar acts the same way a drug
               truth about your                                 does, that’s why most of the people can’t stop

                                                                consuming food and drinks with a high per-
                            food?                               centage of sugar, because they are addicted.

         Por Celeste Blanco, Mariana Barboza y Patricia Correa.
         Did you know that more than 9 million chil-

         dren and teens from 6-19 years old are con-
         sidered overweight? Or that individuals who
         drink one to two sugar-sweetened beverages

         per day have a 26% higher risk for develop-
         ing type II diabetes? Food, specially fast food

         and sweet beverages, might be delicious but
         food does not taste good by its own, it needs
         sugar and fat to “be delicious”.                            Do you know how your

         Some  companies  sell  products  that,  even             body processes the sugar
         though they know they are bad for our health,
         contain  high  portions  of  sugar  and  fat  and                   you consume?

         that are mainly the cause of obesity in Mexi-
         co  and  the  whole  world  because  people  are       When  your  body  receives  more  sugar  than

         not aware of the consequences of this two in-          you’re supposed to consume, your heart starts
         gredients.                                             beating  faster,  so  your  whole  system  works
                                                                faster than it should and the liver, to keep the
         This  food  companies  such  as  McDonald’s,           beat and because it can’t process sugar any-

         Coca-Cola,  KFC,  Dominoes’  Pizza,  Pepsi,            more, starts turning the sugar into fat. Most
         Starbucks, Krispy Kreme and so many others             people don’t exercise and that’s why belly fat
         keep  selling  this  products  because  they  get      keeps producing and it’s not burnt. Belly fat

         huge  amounts  of  money  from  the  sold  stuff       is the most dangerous of all.
         and  governments.  They  have  tried  to  con-

         vince the whole world that their products are          We have to consider that running 5 minutes
         good for us, there’s even an association that          won’t  do  anything  to  our  bodies,  in  fact,  it
         has  fought  other  associations  like  Michelle       will  take  a  110-pound  child  75  minutes  of

         Obama’s, “Let’s Move”.                                 bike riding to burn off the calories in one 20-
                                                                ounce bottle of soda. It’s really hard to burn
         Leaving the food companies by a side, there            calories, that’s why you have to measure the
         is a scientific test that shows that sugar caus-       sugar and the calories a product contains.

         es a similar, if not the same effect as cocaine,

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