Page 5 - REVISTA 2A
P. 5

What do publicity and obe-                             What can you do to prevent

         sity have in common?                                   obesity?

          It  may  sound  crazy  how  T.V.  and  the  stuff     A healthy lifestyle can help you prevent over-
         you watch can change the way you see some              weight  and  obesity  and  even  other  diseases

         food.  One  example  is  the  food  advertise-         like diabetes and heart issues.
         ments we all have access to. There are hun-                  Keep  up  with  a  healthy  eating  plan,
         dreds of food commercials and 98% of them                     make healthy choices.

         are from food high in sugar, sodium and fat.
                                                                      Put attention on the size of your food
         There’s  a  test  where  scientists  gathered  two            portions, especially the ones you but at
         groups  of  children  and  gave  each  group  a               restaurants.

         bowl with cookies while they were watching
         the  same  T.V.  program;  one  group  watched               Be  active.  Look  for  activities  your
                                                                       family and you enjoy.
         the T.V. program with food ads and the other

         one, without them. The group where the food                  Limit the time you spend in front of a
         commercials  were  shown  ate  more  cookies                  screen.
         than the group that didn’t watch the food ads,               Be  aware  of  your  weight  and  your

         and even asked for a refill.                                  BMI.

         That’s why doctors don’t recommend eating                    Get rid of the stress. Don’t let anything
         while  watching  T.V.,  because  you  don’t                   disturb you.

         measure  the  amount  of  food  you  consume,                Avoid sweet  beverages, especially  so-
                                           your       brain            das.  Did  you  know  a  normal  Coca-

                                           doesn’t  notice             Cola has 17 teaspoons of sugar? Peo-
                                           you  are  full              ple  who  consume  this  type  of  drinks
                                           and  you  keep              everyday are more susceptible to have

                                           eating  because             obesity.
                                           you’re  paying

                                           attention      to

         How  many  food  advertisements  do  you  see
         while  you’re  driving  or  walking  on  the
         street? Not only T.V. ads persuade you to eat

         unhealthy  food.  The  images  you  see  make
         your brain think that  you’re hungry, even if

         you’re not.

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