Page 10 - REVISTA 2A
P. 10

                         HEALTHY LIFESTYLE
                         HEALTHY LIFESTYLE

         Por  David  Garza,  Gabriela  Rodríguez  y  Damaris    -Chronic fatigue.
                                                                -Nausea of vomiting.

                                                                -Loos of appetite.
         Lifestyle    is
         the  way  you                                                                                 -Tendency
         live  your  life,                                                                             to    bruise
         including                                                                                     easily.
         choices    you
         make     about
         the  food  you                                                                                Lung  Can-
         eat, smocking                                                                                 cer
         or  not  smok-
         ing,  exercise                                                                                Lung cancer
         and other fac-                                                                                is  a  type  of
         tors  that  may                                                                               cancer  that
         affect  your  health.  But  some  diseases  are        begins in the lungs. Your lungs are two spongy
         caused by a having a poor lifestyle, such as dia-      organs in your chest that take oxygen when you
         betes, lung cancer, liver disease, obesity, etc.       inhale and release carbon dioxide when you ex-

                                                                People  who  smoke  have  the  greatest  risk  of
         Liver disease
                                                                lung  cancer.  The  risk  of  lung  cancer  increases
         The liver is an organ about the size of a football     with the length of time and number of cigarettes
         ball sits just under your rib cage on the right side   you‟ve smoked. If you quit smoking, even after
         of your abdomen.                                       smoking  for  many  years,  you  can  significantly
                                                                reduce your chances of developing lung cancer.
         The liver is essential for digesting food and rid-
         ding your body of toxic substances.                    Signs  and  symptoms  of  lung  cancer  may  in-
         Liver  disease  can  be  inherited  or  caused  by  a
         variety of factors that damaged the liver, such a      -A new cough that doesn‟t go away
         viruses and alcohol use.
                                                                -Changes  in  a  chronic  cough  or  “smoker‟s
         Signs and symptoms of liver disease include:           cough”

         -Skin and eyes that appear yellowish                   -Coughing up blood, even a small amount.

         -Abdominal pain and swelling                           -Shortness of breath.

         -Swelling in the legs and ankles.                      -Chest pain

         -Itchy skin.                                           -Wheezing

         -Dark urine color.                                     -Hoarseness

         -Pale stool color, or bloody of tar-colored stool.     -Losing weigth without trying

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