Page 12 - REVISTA 2A
P. 12
Because type 2 diabetes develops slowly, some
people with high blood sugar have no symp-
What is a heart attack or stroke? Most heart at-
Symptoms of type 1 diabetes develop over a
short period. People may be very sick by the tacks happen when a clot in the coronary artery
time they are diagnosed. blocks the supply of blood and oxygen to the
heart. Often leads to irregular heartbeats
After many years, diabetes can lead to other se- (arrhythmias) caused a significant decrease in
rious problems. These problems are known as the pumping function of the heart. A blockage
diabetes complications, and include: that is not treated within a few hours causes the
affected heart muscle death.
-Eye problem, including trouble seeing
(especially at night), light sensitivity, and blind- Symptoms of heart attack in women may be dif-
ness ferent from those experienced by men. Many
women who suffer a heart attack do not know.
-Sores and infections of the leg or foot, which Women often feel a burning sensation in the up-
untreated can lead to amputation of the leg or per abdomen and may experience lightheaded-
foot ness, stomach upset and sweating. Because
they may not feel the typical pain in the left half
-Damage to nerves in the bod, causing pain, tin- of the chest, many women may overlook symp-
gling, a loss of feeling, problems digesting food, toms that indicate they are having a heart at-
and erectile dysfunction
-Kidney problem, which can lead to kidney fail- Many people do not seek the immediate assis-
ure tance that could save their life because they do
not realize that these symptoms could be signs
-Weakened immune system, which can lead to
more frequent infections of a heart attack. Although chest pain is usually
the most common symptom, come people have
-Increased chance of having a heart at- heart attacks without chest pain. Therefore it is
tack or stroke. important to recognize other warning symptoms.
If you feel any of these symptoms for 5 minutes
or more should be seen by a doctor immediate-
ly. Call an ambulance or have someone to drive
you to the emergency room off the nearest hos-
pital. Do not drive. If you having a heart attack,
driving would endanger your life and the lives of