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           other things, like missed flights and   states. Second, fantasizing about   Instead, non-attachment refers to
           broken lawnmowers. Unfortunately,   the future makes you restless that it   the cessation of focus on outcomes.
           what we desire is not guaranteed.  isn’t here already — which in turn   For example, this would mean
                                             causes you to be dissatisfied with,   ceasing to fantasize about what the
           Despite our best efforts, we      and ungrateful for, the present. This   world will be like when you finally
           sometimes don’t get what we want,   behavior is literally training your   get that promotion.
           and we sometimes get what we      brain to be unhappy no matter what
           don’t want.                       you’ve achieved. Finally, research   What non-attachment doesn’t mean
                                             has shown that these types of     is that you don’t care whether you
           But, this is obvious. We all know this.  fantasies are associated with   get the promotion. Obviously, you
                                             reduced effort in the future. These   care. That’s why you’re working
           Then, why do we get so angry when   types of fantasies may cause you   so hard. Non-attachment, however,
           our lawnmowers break? Why do we   to celebrate success prematurely,   reminds us that outcomes cannot be
           feel so disappointed when we don’t   which reduces your real-life effort   guaranteed no matter how hard we
           get that promotion?               and energy toward your goals.     work or how much we prepare.

           The problem isn’t the “wanting”, per   The more we fantasize about   We may be passed over for the
           se, the problem is our attachment   the future, the more attached we   promotion. Our lawnmower
           to it.                            become to it. So, when life doesn’t   might break down despite regular
                                             play out as we fantasized, it feels like   maintenance. Our marriage might
           Attachment                        an injustice has occurred. It hurts.  fall apart even though we went to
           Two things are happening when                                       see a marriage counselor.
           we want something. First, there is   But, this isn’t just true for big life
           the desire for the thing to happen.   events, like promotions, but also to   The concept of non-attachment
           Second, there is an attachment to   everyday events, like being stuck   reminds us that trying and
           the outcome. It’s this second part   in traffic, dealing with a broken   succeeding are two very different
           that trips us up.                 lawnmower, and needing to navigate   things. It is wise to try our best, but
                                             the hordes of people at Costco. Our   it is unwise to expect success.
           Whenever we have a desire for     incessant wishful thinking about the
           something we imagine what life will   future colors our perception of the   Sometimes we don’t get what we
           be like once we get it. Do you want   present.                      want. Sometimes we get what we
           a promotion? What do you imagine                                    don’t want. Most of the time this is
           will change once you get it? Do you   As Charles Bukowski put it:   outside of our control. The concept
           imagine receiving the respect and   It’s not the large things that send   of non-attachment is asking us
           admiration of your coworkers and   a man to the madhouse… but a     to bring this knowledge into our
           friends? Do you imagine what you’ll   shoelace that snaps with no time left.  experience — to live with this
           do with all that extra cash? Do you                                 knowledge continuously so that
           think your life will be so much better?  Non-attachment             when things do go sideways we
                                             For most people, the term non-    aren’t taken by surprise.

           There are a few problems with     attachment has negative
           these types of fantasies. First, your   connotations. It makes us think of   Our calamitous contradiction
           fantasy is probably an exaggeration.   someone who is detached, uncaring,   In the Buddhist worldview, there
           You won’t be as happy with that   or aloof. However, in the Buddhist   is one concept we all apply to our
           promotion as you think you’ll     tradition at least, this is not what is   daily lives that causes a massive
           be. People are notoriously bad at   meant by this concept.          rift in our minds. This concept
           predicting their future emotional                                   is permanence.
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