Page 50 - EH68
P. 50
How to Practice
Right Livelihood
Right Livelihood is an important aspect of the Anāthapiṇḍika, it is implied that wrong livelihood can
Buddha’s teachings, and is mentioned as the fifth of lead to rebirth in the woeful states.
the eight path factors in the Noble Eight-fold Path.
The Buddha encouraged his disciples to engage So, piecing all these together, we can deduce that Right
in compassionate activity, and to earn their living Livelihood is one that must not harm one, or others,
in an ethically positive way that does not cause through the breaking of the 5 Precepts or even the
harm. Given that almost everyone’s life includes committing of the 10 types of bad conduct which can
an economic dimension, work and career need to cause one to take rebirth in the woeful realms.
be integrated into life as a Buddhist. Most of us
Min Wei: In fact, Right Livelihood is an important aspect
spend the majority of our waking lives at work, so
of the Buddha’s teaching. From the Buddha’s perspective,
it’s important to assess how our work affects our
he encouraged his disciples to engage in compassionate
mind and heart. We ask our three Dharma teachers
activities and to earn their living in a way that does not
to share with us their thoughts regarding the cause harm and also to be aware of its consequences.
importance of Right Livelihood from the perspective
of the three Buddhist traditions. A deeper perspective of Right Livelihood is that one
should have some means to support oneself through
Even though Right Livelihood is mentioned in meaningful activities that allows us to utilize our human
the Eight-fold Path, yet more emphasis seems to potential and abilities to contribute creatively and
be placed on ethics and meditation. How can we constructively to the community. The way to wholesome
best understand Right Livelihood as taught by the living is to do no harm and to benefit others. Our
Buddha? income should be earned righteously, and we should
avoid being greedy.
Aggacitta: Strangely enough the Buddha’s definition of
Right Livelihood is rather vague: “Here, monks, a noble Dadul: Commonly, the scriptures place right ‘livelihood’
disciple, having abandoned a wrong way of livelihood, in the category of ethical training.
makes his living by a right way of livelihood.” Looking
elsewhere for clarification, we get a few clues. For According to Chim Jampalyang the elder’s Commentary
renunciants, wrong livelihood is scheming, persuading, on the Abhidharmakosa, sūtra defines wrong ‘livelihood’
hinting, belittling, & pursuing gain with gain when as bodily action and speech generated by attachment,
relating with lay people; for a lay follower it is engaging whereas wrong speech is speech generated by hatred
in business related to weapons, human beings, meat, and delusion, and wrong action is bodily action
intoxicants, and poison. In a discourse addressed to generated by hatred and delusion. They are the
opposites of right ‘livelihood’, right speech, and right
action in the Noble Eight-fold Path.
1 Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta (DN 22).
Passage translated by Āyasmā Ānandajoti at https://bit.
4 Paṭhamānāthapiṇḍika Sutta (SN 55.26).
5 I.e. breaking the 5 Precepts plus divisive, abusive and
2 Mahācattārisaka Sutta (MN 117).
useless speech and harbouring wrong view, illwill and harmful
3 Vaṇijjā Sutta (AN 5.177).