Page 17 - EH58
P. 17


           Bhante Gunaratana

           11.  When zeal has sprung up      v.  Bending the ears, paying entire   beginning of Dhamma, does not pay
               (chandajāto ussahati),           attention to the Dhamma        attention to the middle nor does
           12.  You apply your will (ussahitvā   one should listen to Dhamma   he pay attention to the end of the
               tuleti);                         (ohitasoto) as follows.        Dhamma. He is compared to a pot
           13.  Having applied your will, you   a)  what is heard (Sutā)       turned upside down. When the pot
               scrutinize (tulayitvā padahati);  b)  remember it (dhatā)       is turned upside down it does not
           14.  Having scrutinized, you strive,   c)  verbally recite (vacasā   hold water no matter how much
               resolutely striving, with           paricitā)                   water you pour into it. His mind is
               the body the ultimate truth      d)  reflect mindfully          just like this pot. So his wisdom is
               (pahitatto samāno kāyena c’eva      (manasānupekkhatā)          turned upside down.
               paramasaccaṃsacchikaroti)        e)  penetrate it with right view
           15.  and see it by penetrating it       or wisdom                   Suppose somebody listen to the
               with wisdom (paññāya ca             (diṭṭhiya suppaṭivijjhatā).  beginning, middle and the end of
               taṃativijjha passati). In this                                  the Dhamma while he is sitting.
                                             Three Kind of Listeners:
               way there is the discovery of                                   But as he stands up, he forgets
               truth. (Adopted from Canki                                      everything he heard. He is like a
               Sutta)                        There are three kinds of individuals   man who sits in a place keeping
                                             listening to Dhamma:              some fruit or nuts on his lap and
           How to Listen to Dhamma                                             eating them. Suddenly he stands up
                                             i)  One who has turned his wisdom   forgetting the fruits or nuts in his
           The way how one should listen to     upside down (avakujjapañño)    lap. Then all the fruits or nuts on his
           Dhamma has also been stated by the   ii)  One who keeps his wisdom in his   lap falls on the ground and scatters
           Buddha.                              bosom (ucchanga pañño)         here and there.
                                             iii) One with wide wisdom
           Attikatvā manasikatvā sabbacetaso    (puthupañño).                  The third person listens to Dhamma
           samannāharitvā ohitasoto                                            while he is sitting. He pays attention
           Dhammaṃ suṇāti.                   Suppose somebody goes to a        to the beginning of the Dhamma,
           i.  Listens to Dhamma (Dhammaṃ    monastery and listens to Dhamma   middle of the Dhamma and end of
              suṇāti).                       delivered by bhikkhus. They preach   the Dhamma. When he gets up to
           ii.  This Dhamma is beneficial to me   the Dhamma excellent at the   leave he remembers everything he
              (Atthikatvā).                  beginning, excellent in the middle   heard. He is compared to a pot kept
           iii,  Pay mindful attention       and excellent in the end. Morality,   turning upside up so that when you
              (manasikatvā).                 concentration and wisdom are all   pour water into it water stays in it.
           iv.  Listen wholeheartedly by paying   excellent. This person who goes to   EH
              total attention to Dhamma      the monastery to listen Dhamma
              (sabbacetaso samannāharitvā).  does not pay attention to the
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