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                                     The Fifth Precept

                                     and the power of


                                     By Gil Fronsdal

           Gil Fronsdal is the       Renunciation is one of the most       make poor choices, often with long-term
           co-teacher for the        beneficial, empowering, and freeing   consequences. The cost of human lives
           Insight Meditation        practices of Buddhism. As its purpose   lost or relationships destroyed due to
           Center in Redwood City,   is to heighten the best qualities of our   intoxication are incalculable.
           California; he has been   hearts and minds, renunciation is not
           teaching since 1990. He   meant to diminish our lives but rather   The issue of intoxication is not only a
           has practiced Zen and     to enhance them. Abstaining from      modern one. More than 2,500 years ago,
           Vipassana in the U.S.     intoxicating drinks and drugs—the     the Buddha said that intoxication can
           and Asia since 1975. He   fifth ethical precept—is an important   lead to “the loss of wealth, increased
           was a Theravada monk      Buddhist practice that can reveal the   quarreling, susceptibility to illness,
           in Burma in 1985, and     power of renunciation.                disrepute, and weakening of wisdom.”
           in 1989 began training                                          What is modern is the incredibly wide
           with Jack Kornfield       On the surface, the fifth precept differs   range of addicting substances and
                                                                           unwholesome pleasures that are readily
                                     from the first four in being more
           to be a Vipassana         personal than interpersonal. Killing,   available.
           teacher. Gil teaches at   stealing, sexual misconduct, and lying all
           Spirit Rock Meditation    directly involve other people. In contrast,   With its emphasis on mindfulness and
           Center where he is part   consuming intoxicating drinks and     wise intention, Buddhism helps us
           of its Teachers Council.   drugs is a personal choice that does not   see how intoxication clouds the mind
           Gil was ordained as       inherently affect others.             and diminishes our ability to make
           a Soto Zen priest at      The immense personal and interpersonal   wise choices. A traditional Buddhist
           the San Francisco Zen     damage that comes from alcohol and    reason for abstaining from alcohol and
           Center in 1982, and in    drugs is often invisible in the personal,   drugs is that intoxication increases the
           1995 received Dharma      seemingly innocuous decisions to      chances a person will violate the first
           Transmission from Mel     consume them. This harm can be masked   four precepts. For example, we are more
           Weitsman, the abbot of    when intoxication, even mild inebriation,   likely to speak what is not true or to flirt
           the Berkeley Zen Center.   temporarily alleviates pain and brings   inappropriately, if we are even a little
           He currently serves       longed-for relief. Its negative effects can   bit intoxicated. And, as wisdom is often
           on the SF Zen Center      also be invisible when intoxication’s   lacking when intoxicated, these can
                                     temporary pleasure, relaxation, and
                                                                           easily lead to greater and more damaging
           Elders’ Council. In 2011   lack of fear can seem preferable to less   problems. Children can grow up in fear
           he founded IMC’s Insight   pleasant feelings. And yet, we’re all   when drunk parents are prone to anger,
           Retreat Center.           aware of the tremendous personal and   violence, and neglect. Our prisons are
                                     social costs of intoxication. Under the   filled with people who committed crimes
                                     influence of these substances—and in   while intoxicated.
                                     their aftermath—people frequently
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