Page 23 - EH58
P. 23


           Medicine to

           benefit the World

           By Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche

           You come from an illustrious family where          was always there for anybody who was interested in
           your grandfather, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, is      Dharma. No matter, whether one was rich or poor, a
           acknowledged as one of the enlightened masters in   high Lama or an ordinary person, he was there to help
           the modern age. Very briefly, can you share with us   in anything about Dharma. This is what I remember the
           the most important teaching that you learnt from   most about him.
           him for our benefit?
                                                              With many Tibetans now born outside Tibet,

           Being with Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche is in itself a teaching.   how do you continue to secure the transmission
                                                              of traditional Buddhist teachings and Tibetan
           He did not become Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche because   Buddhist culture to the Tibetan diaspora
           he was given a high title or he was recognized as a   community, especially the young ones who have
           high Lama. It was not like that. His interest was in the   little knowledge of what Buddhist Tibet was like
           practice of the Buddha Dharma. He had good family   when it was the center of pristine Buddha Dharma?
           support in this. They had wanted him to carry on the
           family legacy but later realizing that all he wanted was   It may be Tibetan culture or Tibetan tradition, but it is
           to practice the Dharma, they supported him.        essentially, Buddhist tradition.

           Many masters recognized Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche as a   I think the Tibetan tradition or Buddhist tradition is not
           reincarnation of their masters. Therefore, he had many   only for Tibetans or the Himalayan people but for this
           good teachers who were very happy and willing to offer   whole universe. It happened that Tibet managed to keep
           him any teachings he wanted. He met as many as 50   the authentic tradition for a while in Tibet, but now,
           different masters from different Vajrayana schools of   due to circumstances, it has come out of Tibet and it is
           Buddhism. Because he was recognized as (reincarnation   spreading all around the world.
           of) many Lamas, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche was not just
           one Lama but many Lamas into one.                  I feel the culture or tradition might change a bit, but, the
                                                              essence of teaching remains the same. It is a universal
           On top of that, he was diligent in his efforts in practicing   kind of treasure.
           Buddha Dharma, like for example, spending about 20
           years in isolated retreat.                         You are in Malaysia to give teachings and conduct
                                                              the Medicine Buddha Empowerment. Can you

           All put together, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche became what   tell us more about this ritual and the benefit of
           he was.                                            participating in it?

           Therefore, one could learn a lot just being with him. The   I have traveled to many different parts of the world and
           one main thing I always try to remember and follow   observed that Asians naturally have strong devotion and
           is his humbleness. No matter how well known in the   faith in the Dharma. Unlike in the West, the Dharma is
           world he was then, no matter how many great masters   not viewed in Asia as a new tradition or foreign to its
           became his student, he always remained humble. He   cultures.
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