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mistaken path and are in a state
of utter confusion, just like a blind Human Life
person stranded in the middle of a
plain. These poor sentient beings! By Venerable K Sri Dhammananda Maha Nayaka Thera
I will now listen to the sacred
K Sri Dhammananda (1918-2006) was
dharma and put it into practice
and accomplish their aims. I will the late abbot of Buddhist Maha Vihara
purify the karmic appearances and in Kuala Lumpur and the most prominent
habitual tendencies of each of the Buddhist monk and scholar in Malaysia
six classes of sentient beings. I will and Singapore during his half a decade
do this for all my parent sentient of selfless missionary work to educate
beings, tormented as they are by the communities in both countries about
the sufferings of the six classes,
the importance of study and practice of
and I will establish every single
Buddhism. He was also a prolific writer, having authored hundreds
one of them at the level of ultimate
of pamphlets and books to explain the teachings of the Buddha
omniscience, enlightenment.”
in a simple and practical manner that is easily understood by the
This motivation is of utmost
importance in all contexts, whether
“Dear devotees actually I never to depart. Then leaves solidity and
you are studying, reflecting upon,
thought I would have the chance fluidity ~ two elements only, heat
meditating, or practicing the
to see and talk to you. You see half and motion has gone.
of my body is dead, but my heart,
my mind still has energy. What is Christians and Muslims are
This Teaching is an excerpt from:
A Lamp this diseased body? particular about the body as they
believe in resurrection; we do
Illuminating Is it life? No, it’s not life. It’s the not believe that there is anything
the Path to
house. Life is the energy, mental, in this physical body. Spend
Liberation: An kammic and cosmic all joined thousands on funerals, but the
Explanation of
together as “energy “. That is life. departed never get anything! The
Essential Topics only way to support the departed,
for Dharma Body is decayed and life goes you must know how to make use
Students by away. Actually we must be happy of this life. That is why religion
Khenpo Gyaltsen (translated by when time comes to depart is needed to help us to cultivate
Lhasey Lotsawa Translations, without suffering. To crave so compassion, sympathy and
Nepal: 2014, pp. 10-12). For more much for the body, we spend our kindness and supporting others.
information, please visit https:// whole life decorating, looking after it, and one day it decays and David Morris sent me a letter,
illuminating-the-path-to-liberation. when energy and the elements he said there are 2 reasons to
EH dissipate, then mental energy will be happy as an old man:(1) he
build another house. Life started will soon be free from pain and
with mental energy and then suffering, (2) ever since he became
birth occurs. Every single child a Buddhist he has tried his best
cries, none smiles after birth. Life to maintain and uphold the 5
is suffering; we are using whole precepts, if there is another life it
amounts of energy tomaintain this won’t be an unfortunate one as he
physical body, but one day we have departs with confidence.