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           In the end the dying man takes no   on a religious way of life. When you   2.  Happiness of Enjoyment - using
           solace in dancing and singing, only   doubt, you think, investigate, then   what you have earned you can
           in meritorious deeds will you get   accept or reject.                  enjoy good food, nice house,
           confidence and this will support                                       nice dress, without abusing,
           the kammic energy in the rebirth.   Others say if there is doubt, then God   bluffing, cheating others.
           You must know how to handle life,   will punish you. All over the world   3.  Happiness of Debtlessness - try
           by doing service to others to help   different schools have sprung up   best not to borrow from others,
           release their suffering. Many die   and they follow their own traditions   spend within your means; you
           with fear and confusion in mind;   which they have maintained for a    gain self respect.
           can’t take rebirth in upper realm.   long time. Buddha had rejected old   4.  Happiness of Blamelessness -
           Meditation is important to maintain   traditions, but it was introduced to   try to lead life without doing
           purity. Prince Siddharta, when he   the primitive narrow minded people.   harm to anybody.
           was born, there were 5 astrologers   People in Asian countries don’t study
           invited to predict his fate. Four of   the dharma.                  These 4 kinds of happiness must
           them said that he would either grow                                 be with you. Don’t be lazy; do some
           up to be a sage or monarch, and one   Next do Good. Reduce the anger   work, do not neglect whatyou
           said definitely a sage.           and do something to train the     have earned, maintain and protect
                                             mind through right understanding.   what you have earned, then you
           When craving and attachment is    Change the mind - through your    can decide what to do including
           completely removed, the mind is   own experience you can understand   adopting a Buddhist way of life up
           then completely pure. This body is   right and wrong.               to arahant, know how to adjust
           not life. It’s a house built by energy                              your way of life, how to associate
           and 4 cosmic elements.            I have been in Malaysia for 53    with others. Associate with good
                                             years, used to have even no room   people, not harmful, wicked people.
           Unfortunately in the past 2,500   to sleep. The Chinese were the    Support your father and mother,
           years, Buddhists in Asia have     main Buddhists here and through   look after your spouse and children,
           introduced a lot of rites and     Buddhist societies we made them   don’t neglect relatives, help them.
           rituals, never introduced by the   understand what Buddhism is.     Develop your mind to the extent
           Buddha. Just keep away from                                         that you are not shaken by the 8
           evil by reducing anger, jealousy,   My mind mental and life energy is   winds of change: praise/blame,
           enmity, and try to do meritorious   still active but I am half way dead.   fame/shame, gain /loss, pleasure/
           deeds, and try to develop the mind   Although the end of my life is now   pain, and treat all the same, then at
           through understanding. Try to     near, I have no fear. Arahants can   this stage nothing will affect you.”
           purify the mind.                  disconnect mind from body to
                                             experience nibbanic bliss and at   All meetings end in partings. That
           If you are cruel, hot tempered, or   that time you cannot tell if they are   which rises must fall. That which
           stingy, try your best to take this out.   dead or alive, their bodies are still   is collected will be dispersed. Birth
           If you pray to God to take this out do   warm and their complexions will   ends with death.”
           you think God can do that? Buddha   remain ruddy. They can do that for
           can’t also, but he can tell you how   1 week at the most.           *This was the last Dhamma
           to do that. Waris declared by the                                   Talk by the late Most Ven K. Sri
           human mind, peace also comes from   Remember there are 4 kinds of   Dhammananda at Buddhist Maha
           our our minds, not from heaven nor   happiness:                     Vihara on July 7, 2006. EH
           from God.                         1.   Happiness of Possession - in
                                                owing your own property, your
           First by understanding without       house, land, business, bank
           believing, when you develop a right   account.
           understanding, then you can carry
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