Page 9 - EH66
P. 9
Dharma Student
Qualities: How to
Listen to Dharma
By Khenpo Gyaltsen
Khenpo Gyaltsen was born in Nepal Institute where he completed his Developing Qualities of a Dharma
on May 10, 1973. He is a direct ninth and final year. Thereafter, he Student
descendant of the family of the received the Acharya degree from
illustrious Tibetan King Trisong His Holiness the Dalai Lama. After A Dharma student may enter the
Deutsen. At the age of nine, he entered graduation, he remained in India, Buddhist path through a number
Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling monastery, continuing to teach for four years. of different doorways. We may be
in Boudhanath, Nepal, established In 2011, Karma Kuchen Rinpoche searching for some stress relief,
by Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche. There bestowed on him the title of Khenpo. some quiet space, or some deeper
he studied philosophical and ritual This title is equivalent to a PhD in meaning in life. From that sense
texts until the age of twenty-five. modern academic systems. In 2012, he of unease or curiosity, we may
During these years he received many returned to live and teach at Ka-nying decide to examine meditation or
initiations and transmissions from Shedrub Ling monastery. mindfulness training. Then, as we
his principal guru, Tulku Urgyen begin to explore our minds, we
Rinpoche. Notably, Khenpo received Khenpo Gyaltsen is a popular teacher may become interested in learning
the precious “instructions on the at the Sangye Yeshe Monastic Shedra more about Buddhism. Another way
mind.” Additionally, he received many at Ka-Nying Monastery. International we begin engaging is by noticing
texts and empowerments from Tsikey students also enjoy his philosophy and responding positively to pithy
Chokling Rinpoche and Kyabje Chokyi classes at Rangjung Yeshe Institute, quotes from Buddhist teachers.
Nyima Rinpoche. allied to the University of Kathmandu.
Khenpo wrote an introductory volume From that initial spark, we might
Khenpo Gyaltsen traveled to India in on the Buddhadharma, A Lamp read some Buddhist books or
1997. There he studied the Buddhist Illuminating the Path to Liberation, listen to a few podcasts. A friend
tradition of logic for three years in which Phakchok Rinpoche requested could recommend a few websites
the great Thekchen Choling. In 2000, be translated into English by the and we might then spend some
he entered the Ngagyur Nyingma translation team at Lhasey Lotsawa. time listening to brief snippets of
New Monks and Nuns at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery, May 15, 2016 Main Temple of Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling