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           battle: one is Evil, representing anger, jealousy, greed,   Land.  With news of some recent deaths, grief returned
           resentment, inferiority, lies, and ego. The other is Good,   to me.  I realized that I had not let go because the
           depicting joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness,   void was too big.  There is in me a wish to be loved
           empathy, and truth. And the winner of the battle is the   unconditionally.  My parents fulfilled my need for over
           wolf we feed.                                      50 years.  With their departure, they left behind a huge
                                                              void.  The problem lies within me and not them.  When
           Hence, we can transform our planet into a Pure Land of   I realized that this hole could never be filled again, I
           peace and bliss by feeding the good wolf inside each of   decided that it was now time for me to love others the
           us.  And if every one of our good wolves wins the battles   way my parents had loved me.  That is the secret of a
           inside us, then we will have a pack of good wolves   regenerative power source: to be able to give to others
           to build the Pure Land.  We all have the Buddha nature;   unconditionally, knowing that everyone else, like me,
           it is up to us whether we want to access it.       also has that wish to be loved unconditionally. So,
                                                              peace and happiness can be found amidst our
           It is said that we can find peace and happiness by   family, work, and worldly commitments.  Peace and
           letting go of our attachments. How do we do that if   happiness can also be found when we transition from
           we have family, work, and worldly commitments?     one commitment to another.

           The story of the life of the Buddha contains an    The image of a solitary monastic
           important message carried by three messengers      meditating peacefully in the forest or cave is often
           who represent old age, sickness, and death.  These   perceived as representing real Buddhism. Is that a
           messengers tell us that because we live, we will age,   true reflection of Buddhism?
           fall ill, and die.  When these messengers arrive at
           our doorstep, there will be no room or time for us to   Yes, people can be imaginative and romantic: creating
           carry our family, work, money or even mobile phone   an image of our Utopia.  I don’t know what percentage
           with us.  There are times when it makes sense for   of the world’s population of 7.9 billion people are
           us to pick up the tasks of building a family, a career   meditating peacefully in a forest or cave. Perhaps
           and service to the community.  But there are also times   under lockdown, we hope that more people are
           when we have to let go.  The trick is in HOW we go   meditating while sheltering in place. Our inner peace
           about picking up and letting go.                   is the best starting place.  The Dhammapada begins with

           Last November, with the death of my father, I became   “Mind precedes all knowables,
           an orphan.  I thought I had let go of my parents since   mind’s their chief, mind-made are they.”
           I was convinced that they are in Amitabha’s Pure
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