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Certificate in Humanistic Buddhism will critically reflect
on humanistic values in a subject on ‘Foundational
Texts’ and put them into practice in another subject
focused on ‘Principles of Professional Engagement’ as
Learning takes place in an NTI classroom through
what the students do, individually and together.
one another develop the habit of a reflective pause Buddhist mindfulness guides NTI’s contemplative
and share how we (could) have exercised humanistic pedagogy, offering all students a safe space to reflect
values in the past week. I believe that Humanistic on their learning journey. Group activities ensure
Buddhism is a silent revolution, a revolution that starts students appreciate our interconnectedness and work
with building our inner clarity and inner power, for the collaboratively. The ‘Buddhist Ethics’ subject examines
benefit of others and we will inevitably benefit from how Buddhist moral values guide our decision-making.
such actions. Students are encouraged to reflect on the nuances of
practising one precept and the result is often a long-
The Buddha taught the importance of both study and term behavioral change, such as kindness towards
practice. How does Nan Tien Institute inculcate the insects.
spirit of both an academic understanding of
Buddhism and its practical applications? NTI now stands as the only institution of higher
education in Australia that offers courses in Buddhism.
You and I live in troubled times, contending with issues Our unique courses in Applied Buddhist Studies, Health
such as climate change and mental disorders. How can and Social Wellbeing, Humanistic Buddhism, and Mental
we build our own inner strength and thrive under such Health include Buddhist values and wisdom. Hence,
conditions? This is the time to turn to ancient sages who we offer subjects such as “Compassion at Work” and
confronted similar situations successfully. This is why “Mindful and Compassionate Leadership.”
we invest in Buddhist education.
Students tell us that education in NTI is transformative,
Venerable Master Hsing Yun embraces the teachings of from the inside out. Education at NTI is not ivory
the Buddha by emphasizing study and practice. Hence, tower talk but rather develops the humanistic skills
he persisted in building NTI as an institution of higher and values that will serve each student for a long
education modelled after the bodhisattva values of time to come. I see how our graduates move on to
compassion, wisdom, committed service, and practice. pursue PhDs worldwide and volunteer in community
For example, students who enrol in the Graduate organisations with a greater sense of mission. They